Chapter 4

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Xavier's POV

''Well that was horrible. You could have at least smiled'' Henry said holding in a laugh. The feeling of dread increases in my stomach. Fuck, why did I get nervous. When I saw her face I just shut down. She's too good for me. She's perfect. And I'm barely nice to my best friend.

I need to come up with something right now, that shouldn't be hard to do. Right?.
I think it's time to just ask Henry for help no matter how it hurts my ego.

"What do you think I should do?", I ask Henry trying to keep the extent of my emotions from my voice.

"You have it bad. " He says with a frown on his face. I don't even try to deny it because its true.

" First, be nice to her and please smile and actually try to have a conversation with her and then ask her on a date. If she says yes good for you. If she says no then sorry man". My stomach drops when I realize she can actually say no.

But I won't just let her go if she says no. I'm not an idiot. I like her too much. I nod at Henry and he smiles at me and rings a bell to ask for a waitress.

Raine's POV
I hear a bell ring from the area I've avoided looking at for about fifteen minutes and my heart begins to beat faster. Calm down Raine it's not that table, I try to convince myself. I turn around to see the others busy enjoying their food and Mr. Xavier looking at me with a smile on his face, an attractive feature that makes my heart beat faster. Dang.

I head over to their table with as much grace as possible whiles hoping they don't hear my heart beat.

" How may I help you?", I say with as much confidence as I have and a smile.

"This place is great and I like the food. And you look beautiful. " Mr Xavier tells me with a smile that looks quite strange although it's beautiful.

" Thank you, Mr Xavier" I reply shocked that he of all people found me attractive. I can't wait to tell Claudia and Angela. I wish I could take a picture of this moment. Not that I have a crush on Mr Xavier or anything. I just happen to find him mind numbingly attractive and I'm extremely flattered he finds me attractive.

After a few seconds, Xavier's friends starts looking at him expectingly.

"I believe you will be great company" Xavier says his voice becoming slightly strained. He seems nervous. I'm probably imagining it, it's impossible.

"Have you ever thought of going to Le Classico tomorrow with someone else, for fun." Xavier says his voice getting strained more and more after every word.

His friend looks to be holding in a laugh. His friend seems to be holding in a laugh. Is this some kind of joke they play on unsuspecting waitresses to get them fired?. I have to go back to work.

"I have to go back to work Mr Xavier." I say trying to keep the anger out of my voice.

His face drops and he looks slightly dejected. For some unknown reason even though he tried to get me fired I feel very guilty. I walk slowly to another newly occupied table and ask for their order.

I walk to give the order to Greta. I turn around and come face to chest with Mr Xavier I raise my head and with so much confidence, a great contrast to a few minutes ago he asks

"Will you go on a date with me?"

My eyes widen and I gasp and a few seconds later Greta passes out in shock and probably over excitement.

Sorry it's so short and completely unedited. So should Raine say yes or no. And I'm sorry I took so long to update I have writers block and my co-writer and I don't talk anymore. Send me a message if you want to replace her.

Vote, comment, share and be a dear(I just thought of that) . Muah

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