Chapter 3

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Here I am at Venice Beach, with only wearing a light blue shorts and a slippers as I walk around the beach since ten in the morning looking for the Dickie guy. And not to mention that the beach is pretty huge so I'm really having a hard time finding him. Because according to the list, this is of the his favourite place to hang out during the weekends, how did they even know all of this?!

I look at the time at my watch and was shocked that it was already twelve in the afternoon, damn time fly so fast without me realising it. My legs couldn't take it anymore as I've been walking for two hours straight so I decided that I should take a rest for a little bit. I walk towards the chair that's infront of me and lay down in comfort, then I put on my sunglasses and shut my eyes for a while maybe for about five minutes but I was interrupted,

"You're in my space" a guy pointed out but I didn't even bother to look up.

"really? because I don't see any anything stated that this specific seat is taken."

"Well I don't need to state anything because pretty  much everyone in this area knows that....Well expect you." He said and I roll my eyes, what the hell is this guy talking about? I took off my sunglasses to take a look at the guy standing right before me and to my surprised, it was him. Dickie Greenleaf! the guy I was suppose to find and now he's standing right infront of me. I notice two things about him, his body is really ripped and his jawline is really sharp. Really sharp. My mouth hung open as he gave me a smile which somehow makes me like it, it was adorable. Great, now I'm drooling over a guy...

What the actual heck.

"I- I'm sorry" I answered as I bow down in attempt to cover my face as I was blushing. Real smooth Tom, real smooth.

"It's alright." he said, studying my face "I'm guessing you're not from around here?" 

"Yeah" I nod my head "I'm from New York but I'm currently studying here" I lied.

"Ah I see.." Dickie said as he put his things and take a sit on the chair right beside me, his lips smile again and I can't help but to smile too.

"I'm from there as well, New York City to be specific. But I guess I find myself being comfortable living here after awhile and especially being away from that old man.. it actually feels good, being away from him and from everyone I knew." he laughed coldly

I nodded showing him that was I interested in listening.

"I don't know know about you man but I really despite that old man"

"The old man you're referring to is your dad, don't it?" I asked stupidly

"Of course." He said pulling way, I guess he realise that he open up about him too much to a stranger. I mean I would encourage him to go on so I could get to know him more but I guess It's better to take things slow or else he would suspect something fishy.

"You come here often?" I asked changing the topic and he looked at me weirdly as he raised his brows. Shit. That question make me look like a creeper! way to go Tom, you're never gonna get the money.

"I mean since you said that this seat is-"

Dickie chuckled "I get what you mean. Yes, I come here every Saturday without fail"

"Baby! What are you doing? Come here!" A girl with a blonde short hair shouting from a distance. Geez what a spoiler.

"I'm coming!" He shouted back and he stood up to quickly pack up his things. I sighed, I guess this is it. He was about to leave but then he suddenly turn around to face me with a confused look "I didn't catch your name earlier" he said smirking.

"It's Tom, Tom Ripley. And you?"

"The names Dickie, well got to go man. See you around" he said as he walk by, I will be here tomorrow!"
he added in.

I grinned widely as he make his way to the girl with the blonde hair which I assumed is his girlfriend. Bingo! This is the first step to becoming his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2017 ⏰

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