Chapter 1

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NO THIS IS NOT FROM THE MOVIE. AND YES THE SAME TITTLE WITH THE SAME CHARACTERS. But thank you for taking your time to read this.

"Tom! there's someone looking for you"

My manager said, moving to the spaced behind the counter. "He's the guy wearing a black hat that's sitting on the last table. And no worries tom, I'll take care of this" she added in before tapping me on the shoulder and smile as she took over the counter.

"Alright, thanks." I said, taking off my apron and get out from the cashier counter. I wonder who could be looking for me but I'm guessing it must be important, I really hope it's not one of the angry customer who is unsatisfied with my service and wanting to launch a complain or something. I look around the store and saw an old man sitting right at the back, tapping his fingers on the table as he waited for me impatiently. I waste no time to quickly approach him,

"Good evening, how may i help you sir?"

I ask politely and he turn his head to face me and to my surprise, he look really damn familiar. It took me a few minutes before I finally remember who he was, the one and only Mr Herbert Greenleaf.

"Mr Hebert....?"

He grin widely and nod as he stood up and gave me a long hugged,

"how are you, tom? Its been a long time since I saw you. The last time I saw you when you're just a little boy!"

he said happily as he let go of me and sat back on down the chair

"yeah and that was when my dad passed away..."

"I'm sorry about that" he apologized "and I heard that your mom has been discharged from the hospital?" Mr Greenleaf asked changing the topic.

"Yeah just a few days ago" I smiled, because its good to know that mom is actually getting better but she often need to do some check up and eat medicine and the bad news was that the hospital bills was a lot handle.

"But you haven't paid the hospital bill isn't it?"

Damn how did he knows? I sighed relucantly and nod as I break eye contact with him, my life wasn't easy as him. Mr Herbert is a successful business man and he earned millions, my dad used to work for him as a secretary in his company back when they were younger from what I was told from mom and they became good friends after that, but sadly dad passed away because of an accident that cause our lives to tumble upside down.

"Tom?" Mr Hebert wave his hands infront of me

"Sorry I spaced out, but yeah I'm having two jobs at the moment to help me clear the debts"

"but is it enough to cover all of the bills?"

"Well not really but I'm trying my b-"

"I'm asking you a question tom, yes or no?" he ask in a demanding tone which confused me.

"No, it's not enough. Why do you care anyways?" I asked curiously

"Look Tom I tell you what, how about I make your life a lot more easier? I will help you to pay all of the hospital bills and even offer you two hundred thousands. Sounds good?"


"You heard me boy, so what's your answer?" I gulp to his response I mean I couldn't say no when someone wants to help isn't it? especially when it comes to financial issues, I am in need of money right now but I kinda have a mixed feelings about this.

"But what's the catch?" I ask, raising my eyebrows.

"The money is all yours but under one condition of course" he said simply "you will have to persuade my son to come back here in New York. I don't like that he's having too much fun in Italy and not wanting to come back."

"But how? I mean I don't even know who he is and-"

"I'll send you details about him and the rest of it you take care of it yourself. So are you in or are you rejecting the offer?" he ask calmly

"It's a deal."

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