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POV: Alec

Timeline: Night after Grandad and Nona's ceremony. The night after Alec and Parker met Dino. (Warning foreshadowing for Alec's Story as well as the main story)

I stare down at sleeping Parker intensely. "Men aren't supposed to love each other. You are a mistake to the world. A curse." My father's words float through my head. I close my eyes and shake my head. Dani said otherwise. She's the Luna, she must be right.

Your mate didn't want you because you are a man. The voice in my head whispers back. No, not a voice. Ace. Ace has always been here to protect me. Ace loves me. But, so does Parker. I close my eyes and pull Parker closer to my body. He stirs slightly, but soon settles back down.

He will leave you Alec. Ace tortures. You aren't his mate. I know he's right. Parker has a mate out there. He won't stay with me. I always knew this wouldn't last. But, without him, I'm lost. He drives Ace away. I will always be here. I won't leave you, unlike him. Ace taunts.

I feel a cold sheet sweep into my heart, covering it, protecting it. Ace. The first sign that he is trying to take control. Let me take the pain away Alec. It's what I'm here for. I don't want you to hurt yourself, Alec. You would hurt yourself knowing Parker will leave.

"Just kill yourself. Then you will finally rid the world of the scum that you are. Then and only then will you be doing something good. Do you want to know why you will die? Because you are weak. Daddy knows best." I flinch at the words. He's right, I'm worthless. My father, he was right. I close my eyes to block out the memories, but it's too late.

Images of him towering over my bed enter my vision. "You ready?" He grumbles. Slowly he removes his belt and ties up my hands. "Have fun." He smiles that sinister smile and walks away.

White hot panic surges through me. She's here. Not even five minutes later and she appears, slowly stalking towards me. "Relax." Her voice whispers, "I'll make sure you find this pleasurable."

"Stop!" I shout jolting out of the past. A hand touches my arm and I jerk away, falling off the bed. I scuttle backwards and into the corner.

Slowly after breathing deeply I feel Ace once again push hard to take over. Let me take the pain away Alec. Let me help you. I will always help you. His offer is tempting, but then I hear the voice of my savior. Parker.

"Alec?" His worried voice carries throughout the room. "Are you ok?"

I stand up, posture straight and eyes sharp. "Nothing is wrong." My tone comes out cold and clipped. Ace.

Parker frowns, "You are folding in again. Come here." Am I already lost? No, I can't remember when Ace takes over. We are still fighting.

Through a tough fight I am able to take three steps towards Parker. Ace making them come out hesitantly.

Parker embraces me in his arms. Breathing in his calming sent I am able to surge ahead in the battle of control.

He starts to whisper soothing words and after a while Ace slips away. Back to the corners of my mind where I can hear him, but I remain in control.

I lift my arms and return Parker's hug. "I love you." I whisper, "I will always love you."

Parker hums and pulls me back down onto the bed. "Sleep Alec, I'm here."

As I let the sleep take over I forget to realize one very important thing. Ace on the other hand, he noticed. But Parker's loving embrace and soothing words has allowed me to temporarily block Ace out.

Parker never said the four words I have grown accustom to hearing. Four words I constantly fear he will never utter to me again.

I told you. Ace lets the words float around, but by this point I am already asleep. I never hear his message. I am too blinded by the man I am clinging too, the man I will always love, the man I have already lost.

(If you haven't figured it out, Alec has DID. Or, in basic words, split personality disorder if you don't know what DID stands for. Another personality forms when the host goes through something traumatic and hurtful. In this case Alec's abuse from his father. Ace came forward to do what he believes is to protect Alec. Although, it is not always actually helpful to Alec. But Ace believes it is. More will be revealed in Alec's Story. Ps. Ace was the one in control when Dino was conceived. Alec is gay, but Ace is not. Alec's father's abuse stemmed from Alec being gay. So, in order to protect Alec, Ace is not gay. For the haters, NO I did not get this idea after watching the movie Split. I have a friend who has this disease and I was reading a book on it to further educate myself. It was only then when reading this book that I realized this is what Alec has. I had already written most Of Alec's story when I came to this conclusion. Alec always had the voice in his head, his demons, but it took me reading the book to actually put two and two together. So yes, Alec does have DID and his other personality is Ace.)





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