chapter -1

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Graduation day (meaning )- getting a diploma or academic degree or the ceremony that is sometimes associated with it, in which students become graduates. Before the graduation, candidates are referred to as graduands. The date of graduation is often called graduation day.

Yup! That day is TODAy. Ha!

  Guess what? Even after this day like people will do, I won't have any change. Nah. Not because I don't want it, but because I can't have it. Maybe never.  

Here I am. Walking or literally running downstairs where the twins are watching cartoons on our TV. ( not a great one but at least we have one.) Sometimes I think how is it easy for them to wake up before me ( but then they don't do the two very horrible jobs ). Ugh, I'm getting late. Anyone who notices me missing will ring up here numerous times and it's going to irritate Joseph.

I noticed no sign of neither mum nor Joseph. Who am I kidding, aren't they always gone. Even though the twins are not my real siblings, but somehow they are related to me and I am happy to be responsible for them. Walking over to the twins and messing with Vinnie's hair, making him frown. I like it; my father used to do it to me and his hair are just so soft. Tillie looks over at me and smiles. He's just like me. Carnal should be here by now to babysit them but maybe she is late.

I still don't get how they get up in the morning, but actually, it shows that they are going on with life even when the events of the night before are disturbing.

My mom's behavior doesn't affect them or anyone anymore. It's just the same like always. But we never know when those hunters of mine will capture me... and things will change. I just want the twins to be safe.

Both of them are an ideal type of boys, they understand and even if they don't, they never ask. I am proud of them. May God keep them safe.

They know or maybe they had to know all the types of seriousness from around here. Around me.

Yes, I am not a very happy/talkative one but the opposite of it.

I am the most serious one anyone can find in here. But I was never like this. Sometimes we have to change ourselves for the better, and maybe its what I want to do, to shut people out. out of my problems.

Walking out of the front door and heading to my car- I have a car and that is because I work hard.  I'm cool with it, it helps to divert my attention from the endless problems I have.

Driving to school is fun. I drive fast. Thinking about my past problems or the present ones is not fun but it makes me strong. I'm not gonna say that I'm the weak one or innocent of any kind or even good or... maybe I am. But I don't want anyone to know me that way and like me. I want them to stay away from me because it's better for everyone. I have to fight back to show them that I'm not the weak one. I am the one that my name describes me as " thorny shrub".  

  Walking in the school seeing around for any sign of my friends - Nillie, Ottilie or even Rickwenson, but there's no one in sight. Signing, I started to walk deeper into the building. As I make my way around I see people move to the side avoiding me or getting scared of me. Nothing new.

My friends are even one of them but a little bit less scared. They get hesitant while talking to me sometimes. It's all because of me having a not so warm behavior. People here call me DARK, well I didn't deny that. I mean just look at my attire, it's all dark. The dark colors I wear and this scarf always around my neck, my hair is hidden under this scarf. They are long and a darker shade of brown just like my father's ... My father. I miss him. 

She's DARK He's COLDWhere stories live. Discover now