The Prank

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Cameron's Point of View 

So today I have a MagCon meeting that I am really dreading and I don't know why. I mean, I usually dread all meetings because they are all sooooo boring and I, being a nine year old (at heart) and all, just hate to sit through them. Can you blame me though? They are just so boring. 😒

Anyways, I better get my lazy butt out of bed and into the shower before Alli takes up all of the hot water like she does every single morning.

Allison's Point of View 

As I hear Cameron turn on the shower, I thought to myself, yes! This plan is going exactly as expected! I decided that I should call Nash to see what time I should meet Erin to get my disguise makeup on. 

Nash: Hello? 

Alli: Hey, what time should I meet you and Erin for my makeup?

Nash: Uh, would it be okay if I picked you up in about half an hour?

Alli: Actually, that would be perfect, thank you! 

Nash: No problem! See ya later!

Alli: See ya!

I didn't really know what Erin was going to do to me, so I just got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth, then washed my face. To be honest, I really didn't feel like doing anything else. (I know, I am pretty lazy.) 

I left Cameron a note saying that I was going to the mall to meet up with a few of my friends. You know, just so that he wouldn't get suspicious. Then, I headed out to Nash's car.

"Hey Nash." I said as I got into his car. "Hey Al, how's it going?" "Good I am just really excited to prank Cameron. I mean he did have this coming, right?" "Yeah, he really did, didn't he?" 

We both stopped talking for a moment. It was absolutely silent for a few minutes. Then Nash said, "Hey Alli? I have been meaning to ask you something for a really long time, but I just don't know how." "Come on Nash, you know you can ask me anything." 

"Oh alright, but I just don't want you to think of me any differently." "Oh don't be silly Nash, we have known each other for a very long time and nothing that you could ever ask me would make me look at you any different than I do right now."

"Ok, Allison, would you like to uh, maybe, oh, I don't know..." "Yes Nash, I would love to go out with you. How about tomorrow night around 6ish?" He just looked at me with a shocked look on his face. "Wait, how did you know-" 

"Because I know you Nash. You like me and I like you. What's not to know?" "Wait, hold on you like me?" Out of no where he stopped the car on the side of the road."Yes, Nash, I do." And then he kissed me. He kissed me! He kissed me! 

There is no real way to explain how that moment felt. It was magical- no more than that- it was just perfect. Like we were somehow meant to be together. I just don't know how we didn't see this before. I mean, he is my brother's best friend

A part of me had wished that he would have asked me to be his girlfriend right then and there, but then again, maybe it is best that he had chose to wait. I mean, it's never good to rush into things.

A few minutes later, we got to Erin's makeup shop. "Hey, Erin!" "Oh, hey guys! Are you ready?" "Yep!"

After I got all of the makeup on, I got really excited all of the sudden for the prank. I don't know, it just suddenly got really real to me. Like I honestly can't believe that we are actually going to do this.

To be honest, I kind of feel bad. Should we not do this and call the whole thing off. Nah! I don't feel that bad. Plus, he is my twin brother and we play pranks on each other all of the time! I just can't wait to see the look on his face! I bet he will cry!

Cameron's Point of View 

Well I guess that it is time that I should start getting ready for the meeting that I can't wait for! (Note sarcasm😉) 

After I got ready, I called an Uber to come and pick me up. Well, it was Nash who was actually supposed to pick me up, but apparently he is busy with something. 

When I got there, the head of the meeting as well as a few businessmen were there. I tried to look around and see if Nash was here, but I didn't see him. Slowly, but surely all of the MagCon members started to trickle in.

When the meeting got started, everyone had a serious look on their faces and they all were looking at me. To be honest, it kind of creeped me out. "Uh, hey guys? Why are you all staring at me?" 

One of the businessmen said, "oh don't worry, son. You will find out eventually." Then, he gave me a really suspicious smirk. Okay, now I am starting to get really creeped out. 

Just then, the head of the meeting clapped his hands. "Okay, now we are going to get this meeting started. We are going to add a few more stops to the international part of the tour including: Brisbane, Paris, and Venice. Now I that we have all of the good things out of the way, I want to address the bad thing that will really effect the group."

He continued, "I am sorry to say that one of the members is going to be kicked out of MagCon." Everyone gasped and the room went silent. "This person is being kicked out of the group because he is honestly way to childish and a bad role model for younger fans. I am sorry, but the person being kicked out is...  Cameron." 

I gasped. "Me?! Why me?! If anything I am not the most childish person in the group that's for sure! And second-" I was cut off. By everyone- laughing? Why are they laughing? I am so confused.

"Okay, what does everyone here know that I don't?" Everyone looked at one of the buisnessmen, "why are you looking at him for?" He took off his wig and it was none other than- Alli? "Alli?! What are you doing here?!" 

She started cracking up laughing. "It's a joke! Haha I got you!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "Oh you are so going to get it when we get home!" I yelled in frustration. She continued to laugh, "you should have seen the look on your face, it was priceless!" 

That girl drives me up a wall sometimes, but what can you do? She is my sister and that's just what sisters do.

Author's Note:

            Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Sorry that the updates have been slow lately, but I am trying to fix that! I go on vacation in a few days, but I will try to update at least one more time before that! 


              What's your favorite color? (I know that is a very basic question that like everyone asks, but I genuinely want to know. 😂) 

My Answer: 


Fun Fact:

                 When I was really young (like in preschool) my favorite color was 💜Purple💜

Thank you guys again for reading! I hope that you guys enjoyed! And as always, stay awesome! ❤️


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