New School and Napping

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I hopped out of my car, and walked towards the entrance to Ouran High School, a prestigious school for the rich. Personally, I hate associating with rich people, but due to unforeseen circumstances... well, I'm kind of stuck here for the time being. It was the only school close enough to my residence that my tutor and bodyguards deemed suitable, in both education and security.

My name is Leona Beckett, but I prefer Leo. I'm pretty high up in terms of money. And by high up, I mean first place. I'm not even being a pretentious peacock about it, either, I just have a lot of money, and even more luck. I don't like flaunting my money either. Believe it or not, I was even voted one of the most eligible bachelor's. There's a huge problem with that though....

I'm a girl.

I don't know how it all started, it just did. My luck and interest in stocks lead to some pretty big checks, followed by some contracts among other things, and then, somehow, lead to the media getting wind of a new 'hottie', labeling me without prior knowledge to my gender. Quite the mess.

I guess I can't really blame them, I do look like a guy, and a cute one at that. My hair is a chocolate brown color, and constantly messy, while my eyes are a mossy green. I have sharp features, that are a bit soft around the edges, but still far too masculine to be considered girly. I'm around 6'0" and I like to stay fit, leaving my body lean, but muscled. And, to top that all off, I'm completely flat-chested to the point that a bra isn't even necessary. I guess my family genetics couldn't decide on one gender, and went for both.

Anyway, here I am, preparing myself to walk into the oddly pink school building. I slowly stride to the front entrance, hurrying slightly as people, mostly students, begin to take notice of me and my appearance. I knew I should have ordered the uniform earlier than I did, but it's too late now. I'm stuck looking slightly out of place with a leather jacket, white shirt, and dark skinny jeans. I swiftly walked into the office, ignoring the slightly irritating giggles and murmurs of onlookers.

"Hello, Ma'am? I'm in need of a schedule." I explained to the lady who was tapping away at her keyboard. She looked up in surprise, most likely not used to hearing a British person speaking Japanese. I have to admit, Japanese isn't my best language, so the accent is still there.

"Sure! Just let me look, erm..." She scooted her chair over to a separate computer, and asked for my name.

"Beckett Leo, miss," I leaned slightly against the counter, tapping it to a random song in my head as she typed in my name, and printed out my schedule. She handed it to me, and gave me a warm smile while welcoming me to Ouran. I couldn't help but feel that I might like it here.

Or not.

Almost ten minutes later, I stood in the threshold of my homeroom, class 2-A, barely able to hold in the twitch of irritation as a plethora of 'kyaa~'-ing threatened to burst my ear drums. A few others, mostly guys, were covering their ears to protect themselves. My experience in the line of fangirls was the only thing that kept me from doing the same.

"You're late, and you aren't in your uniform." Said the male teacher, recovering from the initial onslaught of noise. He was a lanky man, with a receding hairline, and thick rimmed glasses. He had a pretty mean glare, too.

"Ah, sorry, I'm the new student. I got lost for a little. The school is very big." I bowed slightly. His glare diminished, and he waved his hand in a dismissive manner.

"Ah, no worries, no worries. Well, introduce yourself to the class." I walked to the front of the room and bowed slightly, rising to smile gently at the crowd.

"My name is Beckett Leo, please take care of me." And there goes a new wave of squeals and blushing, as well as excited murmurs. Apparently, quite a few have heard of me. I didn't really expect anything else.

"A-ah, yes," The teacher coughed into his hand, wincing slightly, "All new students get the day to wander around the school with a chaperone, but it seems that yours is currently not present. I usually don't allow this, but I will allow you to roam on your own. I trust you will respect and uphold the rules of the school." The idea of wandering around a new environment was exciting, and I quickly agreed. With a bow, I returned back to the hallway I came from, wincing in sympathy for the victims when I heard the room's noise level picking up behind the now closed door.

After around an hour or two of traveling around the nearby school, my limbs steadily grew heavier with exhaustion. I didn't get much sleep the night before school, and it was finally taking it's toll on me. I decided to find a nice, empty room to nap in, but as I continued, I realized finding one was easier said than done. It seemed like every single one was taken up by chatting students. I was beginning to think my search was futile, until I happened upon a room. A room marked as "Music Room 3".

I paused for a moment, listening for a sign of noisy people. There was nothing. Completely willing to take my chances, I opened the door, and saw... nothing. I almost fell to the floor in tears of happiness.

I walked over to a comfy-looking couch, flopping onto it in a completely undignified manner. It was pure bliss. Soon enough, I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

And it only felt like seconds later, that I felt someone shake me back into consciousness. Hoping they would leave me alone, I kept my eyes closed, prepared to drift off once more. They shook me a bit harder. I groaned, opening my eyes slightly.

And blinked, opening my eyes wider.

Leaning over me were seven male students. No wait, I looked closer at the brown haired, wide-eyed one. It was a girl. A girl dressed as a guy. I'd say something, but I don't really have any room to talk.

"Um, Hello?" I said awkwardly, they all stood straighter, staring down at me. It was a bit creepy.

"Hello there, sleeping prince~" Said the boy with blonde hair, and violent eyes. Sleeping prince? What is this, Disney? I hope he doesn't try to kiss me awake...

"Ah... hello," I muttered, grabbing the back of the sofa to pull myself up, "Who might you all be?"

"I'm Tamaki!" Said the strange prince-like blonde. Sparkles and rose petals seemed to float around him as he struck a pose with a rose that seemed to appear out of thin air.

"Kyoya," The dark-haired one said, using a finger to push up his glasses. If Tamaki was a prince, then this man was the villain, or at least the dark king. A silent, deadly ruler of the underworld. I barely suppressed a shiver as his gaze seemed to penetrate my very soul.

A cute little boy practically bounced up to me, jumping onto my lap and smiling up at me. I looked down in shock. He was like the human form of sunshine, so bright. "I'm Hani, and this is Mori!" He pointed to a tall, imposing figure that seemed to suddenly appear in front of us. Wow, scary. Hani hopped off, and the two twins went next.

"I'm Hikaru-"

"I'm Kaoru-"

"And we're the Hitachiin twins!" They smiled cheekily, clasping each other's hands, and leaning in close together. They looked like tricksters, I'll have to watch out for them.

"And I'm Haruhi, nice to meet you." The girl waved slightly, and I couldn't help but smile. She seemed sweet.

"Well, pleasure to meet you all." I smiled happily, saluting the odd crew, "Beckett Leo, at your service! But you can just call me Leo." I glanced down at my watch to check the time, gasping in horror when I realized how late it was. "I gotta go, Gabriel is going to kill me!"

I rushed out the door, only glancing back once to notice the shocked looks of the hosts. I could barely make out someone shouting my name from the other side of the door.

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