Chapter 1.) Pandora ____?

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"YOU WILL NOT GO AND DISGRACE MY FAMILY NAME, GIRL!" Lucius Malfoy screamed at his 11 year old daughter, Pandora.

"I'M GOING! IF DRACO CAN GO, THEN SO CAN I! I'M TECHNICALLY OLDER THAN HIM!" She daringly screamed back, unlike basically everyone else, she didn't fear her father.

"By three minutes!" Draco exclaimed to his sister in defense.

"Your brother isn't a disgrace!" He fired back menacingly.

"Fine! You don't want me to be a disgrace, then let me go under a different last name, and if you're lucky and I'm Slytherin then I won't be a disgrace."

"If you're lucky. And Fine, but if not then you don't get a last name. I'll notify Dumbledore about this." He slammed their bedroom door with a loud bang.

Pandora could not help herself, for, the second it closed, she broke into tears. She started to hit herself in the head with her clenched fists, something she often saw their house elf, Dobby, do to himself.

"Panda stop!" Draco used the nickname he had given her when they were very little, he did not dare call her something so soft in front of their father. He tried desperately to grab her wrists to stop her. "Stop it, Pandora. —— Panda! —— ... please..." He quietly whispered the last part.

Pandora stopped hitting her head and stared at her brother with wide eyes. She'd never heard him say such a 'weak word' (as her father called it). "You just said-"

"Shhh. I just wanted you to stop." An uncomfortable silence quickly fell over the two of them, until Draco finally broke it. "You should be happy. He's letting you go." He tone was harsh but Pandora could see straight through it.

"Yes, you're right, I should be grateful. We're going to Diagon Alley tomorrow to get our stuff, right?"

"Yes, but I doubt father will let you walk with us." He frowned.

"Probably won't. Well I'm gonna go to sleep."

This is how usually how things were between them. They both cared truly deeply for their other half but they couldn't show it. Draco didn't dare act weak in front of their father, and Pandora didn't to save Draco trouble.


Once their mother and father left Draco alone in Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Pandora quickly snuck inside.

"What are you doing in here, Panda?" Draco asked his sister quietly.

"Getting my robes. What does it look like?" She held out the bag of Galleons and Sickles her father gave her this morning so that she wouldn't be seen with them.

"Yeah but what if someone sees you. They might see that we look alike."

"Well then we just happen to look alike."

"Hogwarts dearies?" A old woman asked as she approached them.

"Yes ma'am," Pandora answered politely, earning a smile from the lady.

"Clearly woman." Draco sneered.

She ushered them to a section of the store that was clearly where they measured you, and two other ladies began to do so.

"Hogwarts dear?" She asked a boy who just walked in alone. "Got the lot here — another young man and a girl being fitted up just now, in fact." She brought the boy to stand on the other side of Draco.

"Hello," Draco greeted him, "Hogwarts, too?"

"Yes," said the boy.

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