Chapter 5: the morning after

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Fergal's P.O.V

I woke up remembering what have happened beetween me and Taylor last night beacuse I wasn't drunk. But I've been asking myself a question have I fallen for Taylor. I've only known her for a day but she's so beautiful and so sweet. You know what I'm going to text her.


Me:Hey Taylor

5 minutes later.......

Bae😘: hi

Me: so...about.....last night?

Bae😘: what about it?

Me: you....know.. the....kiss..part

Bae😘:yah I remember

Me: were you drunk?

Bae😘: no were you?

Me: no

Bae😘: so what does this mean?

Me: whatever you want it to mean love😉

Bae😘: don't call me love

Me: why?

Bae😘: beacuse we just met

Me: so?

Bae😘: we don't know anything about each other.....and we don't even know if we like.....each...other

Me: I like you

Bae😘: STOP!!!! FERGAL!!!!!

Me: how about this we meet up somewhere and get to know each other

Bae😘: fine were do we meet?

Me: at my apartment

Bae😘: ok but we can't do anything just talk

Me: can't make any promises😜

Bae😘: FERGAL!!!!!!

Me: fine fine fine I promise

Bae😘: ok I will be there in a our

Me: ok bye love you😘😘

Bae😘: ok bye and don't say that


Fergal' P.O.V

Im going to meet up with the person who I think I'm in love with.... it's love at first sight.

Taylor's P.O.V

I think I'm in love with fergal. I can't tell Ashley I can't even tell her we're I'm going. It's love  at first sight. And I need a cover up On were I'm going. I can't believe I'm going to lie to Ashley. If she finds out she will be so pissed. But what am I going to do she'llunderstand . I'm her best friend. But Ashley went to a hotel tonight I don't know why. But I know her she will get scared bye her self and come to my apartment or Fergal's apartment hopefully she won't do I could leave without questioning. So I took a shower    And put on something Normal I just put on some jeans a white plain crop top and a black leather jacket with some black Nike high tops. And my make up was simple some lip gloss blush and mascara. I looked at my phone and there was a text from Fergal


Fergal😜: are you ready? Love

Me: yes and I said don't call me that

Fergal😜:whatever do you know my address?

Me: no can you give it to me?

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