Chapter 7:"Im sorry" (mini chapter)

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I was still shocked from the kiss. Beacuse I felt sparks this time. And this was are third kiss. But we never really talked about it. Kinda. I really felt bad about bitching out on Ashley I know what I haft to do call her. I called Ashley and it went straight to voicemail. Ashley....I'm really sorry about acting like a bitch....I want to make it up to you.... call me back and we will make plans to hang out......"I'm sorry" END

I know Ashley is not going to reply to me. I acted like a total Bitch.

(Text with Ashley)

Me: Ashley please answer my phone calls.
(5 minutes later)

Ashley😎: what do you want.?

Me: I'm sorry. I fucked up.....Big time

Ashley😎:ok I'm sorry to for calling you a bitch.

Me: it's ok I deserved it.

Ashley😎: do you wanna hang out.?

Me: IFCOURES!!!! I wanna hang and fergal went on a date.....kinda.....and....we....kissed.😊

Ashley😎:OMG!!!!!😁😁😁😁😃😃😃 I am so happy.... WAS IT GOOD.?

I amagend Ashley wiggleing her eye brows.

Me: no....yes....maybe....I DONT KNOW.

Ashley😎:OMG. I totally ship you to.

Me: what ship?

Ashley😎: the one I am sure I will get you and fergal in to.

Me: STOP!. I don't like Fergal like that.

Ashley😎: well that's what I have to tell you.

Me: ok tell me.

Ashley😎: I will tell you in person. When we meet up

Me: ok. Just let me get dressed.and we could meet at Starbucks. Or something.

Ashley😎: ok bye. Love you😘

Me: love you to.😘 bye


I got undressed from my fancy clothes. And put on this👇🏻

I was really nervous about what Ashley wanted to tell me

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I was really nervous about what Ashley wanted to tell me. I called a cane since someone stole my car. About 5 minutes later the cab got here.

(Out of the cab)

How much do I owe you sir. I said to the cab  driver.

25$ he said. I gave him the Money. And walked out.

( In Starbucks)

Hey Ash!. I yelled as I walked in Starbucks. And seen Ashley.

Hey Tay!. She yelled and earned a few stares.

I know we phot a few ours ago but I mist you. I said hugging her

I mist you to. She said hugging back

So talk to me. I said sitting across from Ashley.

So you like Fergal....write.? Ashley asked

What do you mean.? I asked

You guys kissed a few times....and went on s do you guys like like each other.?

Well....I don't know...the kisses didn't...mean....anything....and it was a friendly date. I said.

Look Tay....Fergal likes you. Ashley said straight out.

W-wwat. I mumbled out.

Yah....he really...really likes you....a lot. Ashley said

When did you find out.? I asked

He told me to tell you. Ashley said

Wow. I said

Do you like him back.? Ashley asked

No....yes......I don't know ASHLEY! I half yelled. I known him for 3 days...and every thing is going on so fast Ashley......I just want it to stop. I said

What to stop.? Ashley asked

Every thing......I wish we should just never came to New York.....and I wish I never met.....FERGAL!!. I yelled with people staring at me. But I was to mad to care

Taylor your getting all worked up for nothing.....I think we both should just go home. Ashley said lowering her voice.

Ok.....but I want a coffee first. I said getting up. you want me to drop you home.? Ashley asked I will take a cab. I said not taking Ashley's offer.

Ok I'm gonna go. Ashley said

I hugged her and she left. I got my drink and left.

( At home)

I unlocked my door and went inside. I took off my clothes. I put on comfy clothes and decided I need a nap. I went to sleep hopping that I don't have a crazy dream. Like Fergal being in it.

(author's note)

Sorry for the late update. I just been thinking about what to write for you guys.

Vote,comment,follow me love ya😘

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