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Another poem. Same contest as before, but I actually wrote this one before. I submitted neither of them.



At first it was just whispered words,

A body dipped in her direction,

hand cupped so sweetly around her ear.

A pair of peach lips murmuring.

But then all one night,

She got too far in, bodies pushed together too close.

Shoved the sensibility right out the window; there was no space.

And now the space was filled up with regret.

The situation, it had changed,

and the bodies curved away, not towards.

She could do nothing but watch

with despair clawing at her fragile heart.

But that despair soon evolved.

Now that it had completely cupped its

cold, cold hands around her soul.

Consuming her, eating her, then spitting her back out.

After her heart had been hardened

these innumerable amount of times.

Rip it out, put it back in,

"It's not like she can die from just words."

Now her heart was hot,

hotter than the deepest hell.

Despair was gone and hate had replaced

The hands around her soul now burnt.

The fire in her soul wanted to eat her up,

and she let it. Anything was better than the cold.

"What's wrong with her? She's so snappy!"

And the flames sputtered, the cold seeping back in.

The scorching hands trailed down her heart,

leaving the burn marks but not staying to see

what would happen to this girl who's heart

suffered from constant changes caused by human nature.

And now there was a plan gone wrong,

and a plan gone right.

One plan hers, the other to those who mocked her.

Their plan... did not succeed.

And now she stood, with a heart of stone.

In the middle of disaster and strife,

She alone could stand calm, a smile on her face.

"Call it what you want," she so boldly declared.

"But today, I'm different. I'm changed.

And you can't stop me, not anymore."


I had even less of an idea of what I was trying to write here. Probably some deep shiz about human nature or something.

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