My experience of first love

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I was lonely in search for love but nobody found interest in me. Maybe its because I'm ugly, too naive or because i did not have that kind of body that guys liked...When i had given up on love and accepted myself the way i am, you showed up in my life out of the blue. I never noticed your stares but my friends did, the side glances you would make my way or the attention you were giving me. I never thought there was somebody interested in me but you were there the entire time and never said anything .

Till the day came and you confessed your love for me . I was so happy. We dated everything was great. Little did i know that the only thing you wanted was to take my innocence away from me. You kept on pestering me in to giving in to what you wanted. I refused.

So you started flirting around with other girls thinking that i did not notice.  Yet on the side you were still whispering sweet nothings to my ears "your undying love for me" . I did not want to let go, kept on hoping you would change but you got worse. I blamed myself for your sudden changes ,thought it was my fault that you became that way .

You then got the kind of girl you wanted , the "female version of you". You kissed her in front of me. You  shut me down just like that. I always thought so profoundly of you , i never thought you'd hurt me like that. Your true colours surfaced. The ones you kept hidden from me. The real you came out .

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