1: A Tragic Event

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"YOU'RE PARING ME WITH HIM!?" Frank screamed, looking through Gerard's files. Words such as 'murdered', 'abused' and 'assaulted' appeared on the pages, causing frank to feel sick right to his stomach. Frank soon started to read aloud. "At five years of age, Gerard murdered his best friend with burning water, a plastic knife and a dinner tray, all because he laughed when Gerard dropped his pencil." He took a deep breath in and felt chills go down his spine. "HEAR THAT!? HE MURDERED SOMEONE. M-U-R-D-E-R-E-D!" He shouted. By this point, Frank was as pale as a ghost in the snow. His lips were a dark shade of a purpleish blue colour... He looked as if he was gonna puke everywhere. "I can't fucking do this."

Gerard was sitting in his room, playing with his fingers. (I'm the voice in his head. ;D )

JJ- "Y'know you can kill them all at lunch."

Gee- "I know... Just gotta wait for the right moment."

JJ- "C'mon Gee. The quicker it happens, the quicker its over with."

Gee- "Just... Trust me on this once. Please JJ"

JJ- "Fine..."

Gerard went back to playing with his fingers, acting like nothing happened as men came to take him to the mess hall

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