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This is a Zayn one :)


You woke up this morning, by the sound of birds chirping outside your window. You looked to your right and saw your boyfriend still sleeping. You slowly tried to wake him up and rested your head on his chest. "Morning did u sleep well?" you greeted as he slowly woke up. The only response you got was a huff and then he rolled you off of him. "Come on sleepy head, let's go and get breakfast at Starbucks, and then get back home and just chill, what do you say?" You said, but he just flipped over, and said "ugh just leave me alone (Y/N)" "aaww is someone a bit grumpy this morning?" You said, only to get a response, that kind of hurt, and made you feel annoying and unwanted.... "NO! For God sakes! Just shut up! What is it that you don't get!?! I don't wanna talk to you!" You didn't really know what to say... He's never yelled at you like that before, the only words that slipped out of your mouth was "O-ok I'm sorry.... I'm sorry for being so annoying, I'll just leave you alone" and with that you got out of bed, and went downstairs, tears slowly streaming down your face.

Zayn came downstairs after 2min. With an angry look on his face, "annoying me? Is that really what you think is bothering me, and why I'm mad at you?" He asked in a rage-shaking voice.

You didn't say anything you just stood there and looked at how angry he looked. And that's when he took the chance to yell again "I'm fucking pissed of at you, because you're fucking cheating on me with some dude!" "How could you (Y/N)!? Huh? What did I ever do to you!?"

You were so chocked by that statement! Why would he ever think you were cheating on him!? You would never do anything like that! you thought "W-what, W-why, I-i don't" You choked out but was interrupted by Zayn before you could say anything else "oh spare me (Y/N)! I don't wanna listen to your bullshit!" you were still chocked about everything that was being said but you were finally able to speak properly again and said "where are you getting this from Zayn? I'm not cheating on you!"

This just made him even more angry if that was even possible "I'm NOT fucking stupid (Y/N)! Don't you think a saw your texts!?!?"

"What texts!? And excuse me but who gave you the right to go through my texts!?!" you said while you couldn't believe he had gone through your phone without telling or asking you!

"Oh don't try and make me look like the bad guy here! I'm not the one fucking cheating!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

"I'm not! And I'm not cheating on you you!" You yelled back while tears were pouring down your cheeks.

" then please explain this to me! 'Haha (Y/N/N) do you think Zayn knows about me?' - from Jack 'lol no he has no clue! :b' and that was sent from you so don't you dare tell me that you are not cheating on me!"

Wow wait he thinks I'm cheating on him with Jack!?! Hah if only he knew! You thought This actually made you laugh and ease up a bit, but unfortunately it did the exact opposite to Zayn "what the hell are you laughing at (Y/N)!?! There's nothing funny about this so stop laughing!" you really tried to stop laughing but you just couldn't! Out of all people he thought You were cheating on him with Jack!

" I'm sorry Zayn I'm really trying to stop but I just can't.." Zayn just stared at you with a confused look on his face, and then said "why not!? I don't get it! What's so funny!?!" You couldn't even answer him because you were still laughing,

" for Gods sake answer me (Y/N)! Or it's over!"

Well that defiantly made you stop laughing. I can't even imagine a life without him! You thought, so you answered him right away "ok first of all you need to calm down! Second dont you dare threaten me like that ever again!..... And third, there is absolutely nothing going on between me and Jack we're just friends! I would never cheat on you!" "And why should I believe you? And if you really just are 'friends' then please explain the texts" Zayn said.

"Well because I'm your girlfriend and as your girlfriend, you should trust and believe me.... And the texts... Oh God I don't even know how to start so I'm just gonna get straight to the point... Zayn, Jack is gay, so that's what he meant with you knowing about him.."

his expression changed from angry, hurt and disappointed to guilty.

"Do you believe me now when I say I didn't cheat on you" You said making it clear that you defiantly didn't cheat on him.

"Omg (Y/N) Im so sorry for thinking you would cheat on me... It's just the texts seemed like it and I'm just really, really stressed about leaving for tour, which means leaving you alone for so long... and I guess I was scared, I mean what if you found someone else, someone better than me while I was gone." He said sounding ashamed of thinking you would ever cheat on him.

" I know, but next time please trust me when i tell you that i didn't cheat.. and don't be silly I could never leave you, and there is no one out there better than you! I love you so much," You said right before you kissed him.

Later that night you decided to just chill out at home and watch movies.

(A/N): ok this was probably sh*t so sorry... And sorry if there's any spelling/gramma mistakes I didn't really go through it after I finished writing it... And yeah... That's pretty much all I have to say :) x

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