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"Good morning, Gaius." Merlin mumbled as he stepped out of his chambers. 

"Good morning, my boy; sit down, I've got breakfast ready."

Merlin clasped his hands above his head, stretching as he walked into Gaius's workspace. Gaius watched his nephew as he sat down, hungrily eating the porridge in front of him.

When Merlin first appeared in Gaius's doorway, his knight in tow, he had been grief-stricken and tired, only eighteen summers old. Now, Merlin was grown. He was twenty-two now, magic still increasing by the day, and as powerful as ever. 

Merlin sat on the bench, shirt discarded, starting to change his dressings. His tattoos were not glamoured, despite the fact that anyone could walk in. The royal seal of the Ambrosius family hung around his neck, and Gaius frowned. 

Merlin had been through so much and still came out fighting. But now, he just looked tired as he reached out his hand, gauze flying into his palm. He wrapped the gauze around his ribs, wincing as the wrap tightened. 

Merlin had stumbled in three days ago after a fight with Morgana. For the most part, Merlin was able to heal himself, but healing magic wasn't his specialty, and some of his injuries remained. Merlin slid his shirt over his head, and tied his boots tightly on his feet. 

I'll be in the forest, usual place, Gaius." Merlin said, giving him a tired smile. Gaius knew where the boy was going. Soon after his arrival, Merlin had discovered a small clearing and declared it his training area. 

"Don't forget your glamour!" Gaius shouted, and Merlin shot him a grateful glance as the slight shimmer of a glamour washed over his skin. 

"See you later!" Merlin yelled, slamming the door behind him.

Gaius sighed.  Where would that boy be without him?


An hour later, Merlin slid into King Arthur's chambers, a tray of eggs and sausage in one hand. He sat the tray down on the table and opened the curtains. As the light poured into the room, Arthur rolled over in bed, groaning. 

"Time to wake up, Sire!" Merlin said cheerily.  Arthur slowly got up from the covers, rubbing his eyes. 

"Run me a bath, will you, Merlin?" Arthur said, getting up and sitting down at the dining table. 

"You have training with the knights today, Sire." Arthur nodded. 

Merlin walked over to the bath, eyes glowing gold as he heated up the water. It wasn't much, but these small displays of magic are all that gets him through the day. 

Merlin started to make up Arthur's bed, and he closed his eyes. If he closed his eyes, he could almost imagine he was at home, sitting in the gardens with Jade, or teaching Nankeen how to use a sword. 

"Merlin! Merlin!" Arthur shouted, and Merlin snapped out of his stupor, catching the goblet that Arthur chucked at his head. 

He heard Arthur gasped, and Merlin looked up, eyes wide. He hadn't meant to catch that goblet. He was just so tired, and he couldn't be bothered to focus on playing the part of an idiot today.

Merlin sat the goblet down on the bed, and looked up at Arthur, but before he could say anything, a young scribe burst through the door, not even remembering to knock.

"Sire, there are foreign knights in the kingdom, they request an audience immediately." Arthur looked at Merlin, and stood up. 

"Of course. Tell them I will be to the throne room immediately."

Merlin couldn't help but feel a small spark of hope rise in his chest.


Twenty minutes later, Arthur sat on his throne, his knights lining the hall, and Merlin beside him. 

Merlin made eye contact with Gwaine, who shrugged his shoulders, but giving Merlin a respectful nod. After all these years, Merlin was still Gwaine's Prince. Merlin looked down as the doors opened.

The Knights of Camelot kneeled as the foreign knights entered the hall, and Merlin's eyes widened as he saw who was entering the throne room. He saw Gwaine look up, and stumble as he saw the armor he recognized so clearly. Merlin looked up now, eyes brighter than they have been in years. He grinned, and Arthur cast him a strange look, but turned away.

"Hello." Arthur greeted, reaching out to shake Tareen's hand. 

"Hello, King Arthur, it is an honor to be in your presence." They each bowed in turn; Tareen, Elliot, and finally, Samuel. "We are here searching for our prince, who arrived here about four summers ago."

Arthur looked confused, and then Merlin did it. He coughed. 

Everyone looked his direction, and the Tareen let out a shout of joy. "Nevermind, Sire, it appears he is right here." 

Gwaine broke ranks, stepping out of his spot next to Leon. Elliot turned around, grinning as Gwaine embraced his old comrades. 

"Gwaine, brother, it is good to see you again." Elliot smiled. It was common in Aurelia to call your comrades "brothers" and "sisters". 

Samuel smiled at Merlin, and kneeled. "It is good to see you well, my lord. Aurelia has been waiting for you." 

Arthur stood from his throne. "Everyone not part of my council is dismissed. Now!" he shouted, and immediately the room began to clear out, leaving only Merlin's knights, Merlin, Leon, Gwaine, and Elyan.

Merlin seemed to have forgotten all about Arthur, greeting the foreign knights with a happiness that Arthur had never seen in Merlin's eyes. 

Arthur stepped down from his throne. "What the hell is going on?!" Arthur shouted, and the conversation came to a halt. Merlin coughed again, and the knights all turned around, kneeling in front of Arthur. 

Merlin nudged Samuel, his best knight, with his toe. "Sam, explain to the king what is going on, he is not aware of my... history." Merlin whispered quietly, and Arthur wondered what Merlin could possibly mean.

The man; Samuel, Arthur supposed, slowly stood. "Sire, we apologize for acting out of turn, but we do have good reason. Four summers ago, our kingdom, Aurelia, was invaded from within. Our citadel was taken, and we were forced to flee the kingdom, hiding in the mountains. 

"We fled, taking our eldest Prince with us. The King and Queen had already been murdered - sorry, Merlin - and we knew we had to force the prince to escape. It took some convincing, but eventually, the Prince took a knight and ran - to Camelot.  And apparently became the servant to the king. Merlin, I think this is where you begin."

Merlin stood. "Arthur, what Samuel says is true. I am a prince." Arthur moved to interrupt, but Merlin stopped him. "I've always wanted to tell you, but I couldn't, it was too dangerous. When my parents were murdered by my uncle, I- Arthur, I was a mess. I just- I wanted to tell you once we became friends, but I didn't want you to think I was a spy. Arthur, I- I have magic."

Merlin looked down. "Please, Arthur. My kingdom needs your help."

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