War of the... Words?

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I opened the door, still in a happy mood from my jokes with Nick, expecting to be the only one there. 

But of course, I would never be that lucky. It was empty for all but one person. And it was the person I wanted to see most, but also the same person that I wanted to see least.

That just left one question:

Why was there only us two in here, and why is he alone...?

Slowly, I clambered in and closed the door, not daring yet to make eye contact for a second time until I was firmly seated and stable. I slid onto the seat opposite him as the driver began to drive away, my eyes downcast into my lap all the time, the tension in the air so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

I did a quick calculation in my head. From here to the studio, it would take about half an hour, 40 minutes if the traffic was bad. So that's.... 1800-2400 seconds of this that I had to endure, and, with a quick glance at my watch, so far we had been in here about 60.... And neither of us had said a word yet.

I could practically feel his stare boring into me like a drill, watching me intently, almost trying to read my thoughts. I nearly dared to meet his glance again, but then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that he had now looked away, staring out of the back window. Well, supposedly attempting to anyway, being as it was a black out screen for security purposes, meaning he was just trying to avoid me.

I went to get my phone out to text Nick, or do something that would take my mind off the looming, gorgeous, slender figure across from me. No. Stop. 

I can't be thinking those things about him anymore. He was now merely just my band mate. I wasn't even sure if I could even call him my friend anymore, and definitely not my best friend. He had made damn sure of that a year ago, when he....

Quickly, I let myself take a glance at him whilst he wasn't looking at me, and immediately I knew that I shouldn't have. He looked exactly like he did a year ago, but somehow he looked even better, even more amazing, even.... sexier than before, if I let my mind wander. His skin was a shade darker than it's usual tan colour, his lips were more pronounced, enhanced by the subtle liner that Lou had probably applied beforehand. His hair was a bit longer, and looked more like it did back in the X-Factor days, and I just wanted so badly to reach across and run my fingers through it, revel in its softness, fell close to him again. His top, striped as per his trademark look, clung to his stomach and outlined his abs, leaving nothing to the imagination, and the short sleeves revealed the many tattoos on his arms, and they didn't look any different up close to when I last saw them in person (the TV images always blurred them, not that I watched those tittle-tattle stories). And finally, there was his jeans. Those tight, red, soft three-quarters he loved to wear, showing off his thin, bony ankles and his wonderfully scripted "THE ROGUE" tattoo over the front of his otherwise bare ankles, the talking point of many fan girls "proof" videos, even though in fact it honestly was just the name of his old band as he had it done before he met me. 

Before I could make any more observations however, I got caught out when Louis suddenly turned to face me, and we finally locked eyes. His sea blue eyes bored deep into mine, staring directly into my thoughts, taking over them one by one. Relighting every emotion and memory of him within my mind, captivating me once again with that all familiar passionate look, still imprinted on my mind over a year later. 

I felt as if time and life itself had stopped. My breath caught in my throat. I was stuck between wanting to reach over and pull him into my arms, and sitting here waiting for him to make the first move. 

But then, within a split second, my choice was made for me....

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