YAOI- Mine (SasuNaru/ NejiNaru)

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Seme: Sasuke / Uke: Naruto

*WARNING: Mature Content ahead*

Naruto currently found himself at Ichiraku Ramen, devouring his miso ramen with a bright grin plastered on his face. He slurped the noodles loudly while he thanked Teuchi for the food. Neji, his teammate, happened to be walking by, so he decided to stop by and talk to his old teammate and friend. Although he would probably never tell him, Neji had intense feelings for Naruto, ever since that day when he beat him on the final stage of the Chuunin Exams. Neji smirked as he walked towards Naruto and sat down next to him. The smell of all kinds of ramen and spices engulfed Neji's nose, and he felt the tingling sensation of a sneeze. But Neji wasn't there to just sit next to Naruto smelling random spices in the air that made him want to sneeze. He was there because he realized that maybe he had a chance to make the blond forget about Sasuke, even if it was for a little while...

''Hey Naruto'', Neji purred in his ear. Naruto tensed and then relaxed and smiled as he realized the husky voice belonged to his friend.

''Oh! Hi Neji!", Naruto replied cheerfully as he slurped some noodles from his third bowl of miso ramen. ''How are you?'' he asked, his azure eyes locking with Neji's pearl ones. 

'He's so fucking cute', Neji thought to himself. 'It makes me just want to fuck him so hard he can't walk straight for a week''. He discreetly licked his lips at the thought. 

''Neji?", asked the blond as he didn't reply. Naruto stared at him intensely, his eyes twinkling and giving him an even more innocent look. Neji snapped out of his thoughts and smiled. He was going to confess his feelings; he didn't care if he got rejected, what he felt was greater than the fear in his heart. When he stared into Naruto's beautiful eyes, he felt his inner turmoil dissipate and like his world made sense.

Neji took a deep breath and began, getting emotionally prepared for the sting of rejection.

''N-Naruto..'', the Hyuga stuttered, which was totally unlike him. Naruto simply looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

''I li-''

''Naruto'', said a third voice that the both of them recognized. It belonged to a certain raven-haired, cold-eyed, once-bloodthirsty Leaf Ninja that had the both female and male population swooning over him.

''We're going home.'', said Sasuke simply. Naruto opened his mouth to protest, but couldn't get a single word out of his mouth, because Sasuke made the necessary hand seals, and in a matter of seconds, they were transported to their house.

In an instant, Naruto was pushed up against the wall, blushing, with his wrists held tightly above his head by none other than his Sasuke. He stared at Naruto intensely, with a possessive gaze, and leaned in and whispered harshly on his ear.

''Why the FUCK were you out on a date with Neji?'', he asked intently.

''I-I wasn't on a... a date w-with Neji-kun! I swear, Sasuke-sama!'' Naruto stuttered helplessly. The Uchiha waited for Naruto to elaborate on his answer. Sensing this, he continued.

''I-I was eating miso ramen, a-and I guess he was walking by and then he sat with me f-for like three minutes and then you s-showed up...'', he looked down at the floor submissively. Sasuke knew he wasn't lying, he was keeping close tabs on the Hyuga. He was aware of the way his oh-so-great eyes lingered every time he walked by, how he always seemed to make stupid excuses just to hang out with him, to touch him... It wasn't that Sasuke didn't trust his lover; he just didn't trust Neji. In fact, he was aware that there were more people in his circle that had their eyes set on his blond, and the Uchiha would be damned if he was going to let anyone, whether they be male or female, to try and make a move on him.

''S-Sasuke?'' Naruto asked shyly as he continued to look down at the floor. He hadn't realized that the current position they were in almost always led to intensely making out... or more. It made Naruto feel hot and tingly in certain places...

As Sasuke took in the sight of a squirming, blushing, and obviously horny Naruto before his eyes, he started to get an idea. Perhaps he shall remind Naruto who exactly he belonged to.

Sasuke leaned in and kissed Naruto's neck, his plump lips and perfect teeth leaving a love bite on his lover's sensitive skin. Naruto suppressed a moan by biting his bottom lip. Even as an uke, he was still male and had his pride. This only fueled Sasuke's anger, as he loved to hear his uke moan and mewl and scream in pleasure. He kissed Naruto's neck harder and rougher, fumbling around with his 'sweet spot'. Effectively, Naruto sighed and closed his eyes.

He was in a hot daze, barely registering the situation. Just a few minutes ago, he had been enjoying a nice, hot bowl of miso ramen, and now he was pushed up against a wall with his possessive lover attacking his neck with a shower of kisses. He tried to trace back on how it all actually happened, but his brain short-circuited and deep fried as Sasuke messed around with his sweet spot. 

''N-ngh, S-sasuke... Please...''

Sasuke didn't slow his pace, in fact, he sped it up. Soon enough, Naruto was a moaning/ panting mess. 

''S-Sasuke... a-ah!'', the blond pleaded as he tried to free his wrists from his lover's grasp. He, of course, failed. 

Sasuke stopped kissing Naruto's neck and ravished his lips instead. Naruto was taken aback by his lover's kiss for a second, and then kissed him back with equal force. Sasuke's teeth enveloped Uzumaki's bottom lip, which he then lightly nibbled on. He felt Naruto shiver. A few seconds later, they separated due to a serious lack of oxygen.

Naruto avoided the raven's burning stare by looking everywhere but at his eyes. Sasuke caught up on this and grabbed his uke's chin dominantly, leaving him with no other option than looking at him.

''What do you want me to do to you?'', asked the raven directly. Naruto's eyes widened and his blush intensified as his deepest fantasies played themselves out in his brain.

''I-I...'', he trailed off, ashamed of admitting his deepest desires to his possessive onyx-eyed boyfriend. Naruto felt his erection stand up even prouder, and he tried to cover it by rubbing his legs slightly together. Sasuke, being as sharp as a tack, noticed immediately and smirked.

''You know what?'' asked Sasuke, not really expecting an answer. ''I don't give a single fuck, because today I'll show you once again who exactly it is that you belong to''. He whispered the last words against Naruto's sensitive ears harshly and seductively as he carried Naruto towards the bed.

Whatever fantasies Naruto had thought of, what he received was definitely a hundred times better.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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