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To unknown sender:

yupp, i am ultra drank words cant explain that this thing i feel

From unknown sender:

well. this is a development

To unknown sender:

shush i am watching the flesh

From unknown sender:

the flesh ??

To unknown sender:


To unknown sender:

u know, im getting real bored of ur name being unknown sender so fuck that, ur now girdy

From girdy:

what does that even mean ??

To girdy:

idk i think its funny

From girdy:

just how drunk are u

To girdy:


From girdy:

are u drinking water?

To girdy:

nahh waters for babies i AM ADULT

From girdy:

u are so going to regret this

To girdy:

i gtg to the bathroom now dont be too alone without me k ??

From girdy:

i wont


To girdy:

i think i just threw up on my cat

From girdy:


To girdy:

nahh i made a mitsake. it was just a carpet

To girdy:

though i think my cat got hit with some

From girdy:

go to sleep, it'll help u feel better, k? also drink water


Unknown - Grant GustinWhere stories live. Discover now