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SNOW WHITE is the eldest of all the girls. She's the ultimate mom even if she doesn't act like it. Easily angered and will scold at times, she does feel guilty once she calms down. She knows practically everything about her friends. Often seen cleaning, cooking and taking care of her friends. She hates being in the fairytale world because it lowkey stresses her about how she's separated from her friends and she can't watch over them. bonus ⭐️ she's the mom but she takes naps all the time ⭐️ has an unhealthy obsession with apples ⭐️ motherly looking FC ⭐️ she's the "hot mess" type of mom ⭐️best suited with either taeil or taeyong because parent goals ⭐️ best friends with CINDERELLA
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ANASTASIA probably has the worst memory. She forgets a lot of stuff and often forgets names. Even if she's quite forgetful, she happens to be stubborn and headstrong. Wants to be independent and wants to explore. bonus ⭐️use someone like rosè from blackpink, anyone who gives off an independent vibe. ⭐️ face claims with dyed hair are also really good with this slot !! ⭐️haechan, mark or yuta as love interest but depends on you tbh. ⭐️make it her dream to go to another country like France.
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