'Oh Shit'- Part 9

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Up above is a photo of Taylor Handley (Marcus)
I'm sorry guys, haven't updated in a while. But I am definitely working on it! Just been busy with school. Please make sure to vote. :)

Marshall POV:
"Someone will see us." I said as Marcus slowed the car down. I watched as a police car with blaring sirens screamed past. I gulped, an unsettling feeling in my stomach.
"No one will see us," he said as he got out of the car. I nodded, definitely not allowing myself to trust his every word. I was never gonna trust him. He was bullshitting me if he thought he could gain my trust.
 It was dark in the alleyway, and I supposed no one would be out of bed at this time of night. Apart from the police officers searching the apartment building with German Shepherds at their sides.
"So what now?" I said, quietly shutting the door to the car and joining Marcus. He was standing next to a set of rusty and munted stairs. I shook my head. Fear was starting to set in.
"You know what to do," he said. "I'll make a diversion." I nodded, not seeing any other choice at this point in time. I had to do what Marcus asked while Andrew and Cam were back at the house with Emily. I couldn't risk anything bad happening to her. I wrapped my hand around the staircase railing, shakily. I hoped Marcus wouldn't notice.
"What are you gonna do?" I asked.
"You'll see." he smiled and I rolled my eyes. This motherfucker is getting on my nerves...

I hooked my leg over the railing and jumped down onto the balcony. The dark made it hard to see anything, but the lights of New York city seemed to help. I paused for a second to gather my thoughts. The only thing on my mind was my daughters. And Emily. I was doing this for them.

I peared through the pellucid glass door, dodging my eyes this way and that. Where the fuck was everyone? The lights were on but there was no one in sight. I cursed. The room looked like it had been turned upside down and inside out. I wiped my clammy hands on my jersey and pulled out the tool Marcus had given me. I was about to pick the lock on the door, when suddenly a police officer walked into the room. I swiftly stepped back into the shadows. Don't mess this up Marshall...you've got one chance and one chance only. I breathed out placidly. Had I been seen? I wondered how Marcus was going. He better hurry his ass up. Suddenly I heard a faint, high pitched sound. It was an alarm and it was coming from inside from the apartment block. Marcus? I crossed my fingers and peered through the door again. I saw the policeman rush out of the room, leaving the door open behind him. I saw this as a perfect opportunity...

What do you guys think of this story so far? 
Is Marshall in the right for helping Marcus carry out his plans?
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