2// phone calls

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The walk back to Lo's house was kind of awkward. The Stranger walked a bit behind her and she couldn't tell if he was sizing her or her land up. She fought the urge to look back at him.

When the two had finally made it to her place, the Stranger was still trailing a bit behind her. She stepped up onto the stoop and looked back to make sure he was still following. For a moment, under the unflattering porch light, she almost could have called him beautiful. She had no clue how he'd managed to do it, but he made the crappy, bug-swarmed light made him look like a walking piece of art. He looked up at her and the light made his ocean-blue eyes seem to glitter. They locked eyes and her heart flipped in her chest.

"What?" he asked, a smirk taking over his face.She blinked harshly and shook her head. Her hand still on the doorknob, she looked at the ground. And then she felt something vibrate in her robe pocket.

"Oh crap." She'd forgotten to call Pearl. To be fair, she hadn't exactly had time to call her. Since meeting this man, Lo's time was spent mentally debating about whether or not to call the police. "Hello?"

"You never called me back!" Lo let the man into her house and followed him inside. "What's going on over there? I've been worried sick!"

"I'm so sorry, Pearl," she apologized, her hand going to her forehead. "So much has gone on since we ended the call."

"What happened? Tell me!"

"Okay, geez." Lo looked over at the man. He was sat in front of her fireplace, curled up on the mantle like a cat. "Don't freak out, alright?"

"If you don't tell me what's going on, I am coming over there." She tried to imagine Pearl coming over to her house, her blue-rinse tinted hair stuck to her forehead and her clothes soaked because she was too stubborn to grab an umbrella.

"You were right," Lo said, shaking her head clean of the drenched woman. "There was someone in the greenhouse."

"I knew it! God damn, I'm good!" Pearl's cursing caught Lo off guard. "Did you call the police?"

"Um, no. I didn't."

"What? Why not?"

"I..." Lo paused and actually thought about it. "I don't know. It just kind of...happened."

"I'm coming over."

"No you're not."

"Why not? I'm still young and spry."

"Pearl, no. It's pouring outside and it's nearly one in the morning. You need to get some rest."

"I'm old enough to be your thrice great grandmother, don't boss me around," Pearl responded, scoffing lowly. Lo could hear movement on the other side of the phone. In the short-lived silence, Lo snuck a glance at the Stranger. He sat in front of the fireplace, his knees pulled to his chest and his eyes closed. She noticed that he'd taken his shoes and socks off and his bare toes rested upon the brick of the mantle. She felt herself smile.

"Go to bed. I'll stop by in the morning, alright? I baked some muffins and I want your opinion on them." Lo heard Pearl grunt.

"Fine. But in the morning you've got to tell me all about this mystery person, alright?" Lo and Pearl shared their goodnights and the younger girl sighed with relief. Her eyes, though, soon fell on the person sitting at the fire. He was looking at her.

"What?" she questioned, turning to face him. He smiled and rested his cheek on his knees.

"Did you say something about muffins?"   

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