songs on disks

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Morning soon came and I got up and did my daily routine. I helped my mom to get ready and she left for work. I walked out of the house down the street from my house and was stopped by Erin waiting for me as the end of the road. We walked to school and I saw people staring at us. I didn't know why but they were mostly girls. I could guess that they were jealous of him being with me. We walked to class and sat in our seats, waiting for the teacher to come in. She came in and sat in her seat. "Good morning class the homework is on the board so please get started. Once she turned her back a note hit my head and I picked it up.

"So are you 2 dating if so your lucky, I warn you Summer is after him for her own gain please watch your back and Erin' s." I looked around and saw no one looking at me. Erin was doing his work and no one seemed suspicious. I put the note in my pocket and continued to work on my homework. Soon the bell rang and Erin and I walked into our science class. We sat at the same table a did our lab work . After fourth period it was launch and once again we sat at the same table as yesterday. Then Erin asked me a question. "Hey Raven can you play a song for me on the piano, you were beautiful yesterday and I want to hear more of your music. ?" I had just smiled and we got rid of the uneaten food. We walked to the theater room that had a grand piano in it. I walked up the stairs and sat at the piano. Erin sat in the front row of the room and waited for me to I opened my back pack and grabbed my music journal. Once open I began to play a lullaby I had created. It took me a few minutes to finish the song and I finished last few notes. I opened my eyes and see that Erin was smiling at my performance. We heard clapping from behind us and I see that a small crowd had formed out side the door. I blushed and walked down the stairs and to the crowd. "How long have you been there ?" I ask. One said "about five minutes since you started. " Erin walked to me and hands me my book and my bag."we should be going it is almost time to get back to class. " Erin said and escorted me down the hall. We arrived and the ENTIRE class was staring at us. They stood up and began to clap. I was completely confused. " nice song!" One kid said walking and showing a video of me playing the piano. I blushed and sat down in my seat. Erin and I just tried to get our work done but people keep talking to us. They keep asking things like " did you write that song? ,"how long have you played piano? , and the most famous question was can you play for me. " I just sighed and looked up and I answered as honest as I could. The day was soon over and I was happy. I could finally go home and write my songs and eat junk food. Erin and I walked to and my house. I thanked him and he walked to his house. I walked in and cleaned the house and did my homework. I was finished in a hour and got to relax and write a new song. I finished and played it on my small piano that was in the living room. I had perfected my song and soon my mom came home and collapsed once again on the couch. I covered her up and went to bed. I awoke early to the sound of my phone going off. I looked at it and almost forgot Erin put his number in my phone. The message was " hey Raven do you think we can get together at the theater at school I love your music and I can't get it out of my mind I would like you to let me record your music so I can listen to it if it is okay with you. " I smiled and said "sure at least some one likes my music enough to record it and I did make another song and I want some one to hear it. And if you record it you have to have it put on a C.D. for me." He responded with " absolutely see you tomorrow or in a few hours bye :-):-) " and he stopped texting me. I looked at the time and saw I had three hours to help my mom, get dressed, eat ,and walk to school. I got to the bathroom and took a shower. I walked out and got dressed and dried my hair . helping my mom out the door she thanked me but when she opened the door she stopped "excuse me but is Raven home. " my eyes went wide and I rushed to the door. "Raven who is this young man? " my mom asked " He is my friend Erin he just moved to the area, bye mom." I said pecking my mom's cheek and walked out of the door. We arrived at school and we saw the computer teacher. We asked him if we could borrow his recording mics and sound board. He said yes and helped us to the theater. After about two hours we finished and got a pass to class. We walked in and sat down in our seats. After fourth period Erin and I walked to the theater and I played him some of my favorite songs that I had put into piano notes. After about ten minutes a large group of people walked in and sat to listen to me play. I ignored them and closed my eyes and listen to the music I was playing. I finished my last song snd opened my eyes and saw the theater almost full of people listening to my music. The warning bell rang and Erin and I ran to class. Once in the room, the class stared at me and smiled. The staring was thankfully interrupted by the computer teacher walking in. " may I see Erin and Raven for a minute.?" He asked. She nodes and we stood up and walked out of the room. He handed us a few C D'S and smiled " you have a great talent Raven and I had put all 30 songs on the C D's." I gave him one of the C D's and thanked him for doing that for me. He let us go back to class and the teacher sent us a questioningly look. I told he the teacher need to give us something. She nodded and allowed us to sit back down. The time came for music class and the teacher pulled me over" okay Raven I heard you made a CD of all your songs I would like to hear it. The students say it is you who plays amazing music. Is this true? " i node and hand her one of the C D's. After about 3 minutes she toke the headphones she had off and smiled at me. " you truly have a gift if you play a song for the class I will give you an A plus for the semester." She said and I said yes.

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