This is Where it begin.

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This big lounge smelled of steamed dumplings; far nicer than the sweaty restaurants I was used to. But the sound wasn’t right. As much as I hated those drunk old gamblers, drinking cheap saké just didn’t feel the same without the patter of bakuto rolling bones in the background. Maybe it fits here cause,This drink I was chugging down like water was going down too smoothly to be cheap. Luckily the kid was picking up the bill on this one. Just didn’t know it yet. 

“Hmph, I’m not sure how you can stand that shit! We’re in one of the finest restaurant in the Capital, which serves the highest-grade tea around. Can’t you at least pretend to appreciate it?” That irritating voice belonged to none other than my tiny traveling partner. Lucky me. 

“It’s too freaking hot out for tea. Why don’t you go get us a couple of rooms?” Any excuse to get the kid out of my face would do. The constant questions and commentary were starting to bite at my nerves, and made me regret taking up this bodyguard business in the first place. 

The pout I was so accustomed to seeing planted itself on my companion’s face. The reply was muttered in the whiniest way possible. “Why must I do it? My legs are just as tired as yours!” 

The kid had a good point—we’d been doing a ton of walking lately. A few weeks on the road was rough on anyone, especially weak bookish types like the kid. I didn’t voice a reply but instead let my eyes do the talking. They convinced the spoiled brat to move along, and I was left to a blissful moment of silence

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