Chapter 1

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"Oikawa,we need to talk"

"Sure,but after practice,ok hun?"

"No. I can't wait any longer... I'm done"

"What do you mean?"

"There's obviously no way to sugarcoat this... I'm breaking up with you"

"(Y/n),you're joking,right?"

"No. I'm serious. And I'm sorry"

"But...But why?"

"You're so caught up in volleyball,you don't ever spend time with me. If this is how it's going to stay,then I'm leaving..."


*Oikawa's POV*

I remember her words like it just happened yesterday. I could've improved if she wanted,but heck,I'm a fool for doing that in the first place. I started to think more clearly the day she left. Poor (Y/n)... She must have endured alot.

There and then I thought I would be fine. But was I so wrong. Days after,I began to feel weird. It was so horrible. Sleepless nights,infinite headaches,sluggishness,despair. I had trouble focusing during our practices. My mind would be somewhere else all the time. I could still hear her voice,even though she's no where near me. I would see her everywhere,only realising they were hallucinations.

I stayed at home for a few days,not wanting to get out of bed. I did not care about schoolwork,or volleyball at that moment. I needed to see her at least one more time. But how? She won't forgive nor forget. Maybe I should get someone else,and then I will be able to move on. I went against my decision,though. I will never find another girl like (Y/n).

I can't believe I let her slip right through my fingers. I began to think about her more than anything. But why didn't I when I had her in my grasp? I don't want to be alone... I shudder just by thinking about it.

I don't know what to do anymore,I feel so hopeless. When I look in the mirror,I have no idea who is staring back at me. All I see is a pale,drained face. Dark bags under the eyes. Hair tangled,knotted and unruly. My eyes were so haunting-they were bloodshot and dull,as if the colour in them faded to black,red and white.

I normally admire my appearance in the mirror,but not this time. I was a complete mess. Speaking of appearance,(Y/n) was the most gorgeous person I ever met-inside and out. She may not think the same way about herself,but it's the truth. She has a heart of gold.

I let everything go. Why the hell are tears running down my cheeks? I was a complete idiot from the start. I don't deserve her. Yet,my heart aches. It's breaking,slowly. Bit by bit,piece by piece.

I don't know whether I want her back or if I should just let her go... These things confuse and tire me at the same time. Because what if I do try to open up to her,but it's all in vain?

Another thought that pesters me is all the lies I told to my friends and elders.
"I'm fine"
"I'm okay"
"Just tired,that's all" "Stressed about the upcoming game"
I'm sick of lying all the time.

The only way I'm going to get better is to see her,no matter what happens. Even if she has someone else.

I miss my other half.

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