He Gets Jealous Of Another Boy

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You and Niall were best friends. Nothing could ever change that. Well almost nothing. Recently Niall had gotten a girlfriend and she didn't exactly like you very much and she made sure you knew this. She had been filling Niall's head with lies about you and he had actually started to believe her! At first he tried to act as if nothing was wrong but then, out of nowhere,he just stopped talking to you completely. The other boys kept pestering him about where you were since they were used to you always hanging out with all of them and it was normal to see you so often. But now it felt like Anna, Niall's new girlfriend, had replaced you. The other boys would always text you and you were still just as close as before Niall began avoiding you. So when Harry decided to throw a small pool party at his home, only you and a few other people being invited, so they could see you again and enjoy your presence again. When you got there, Liam opened the door with a huge smile on his face. "Y/n, you're here! We missed you so much!" You giggled and wrapped him up in a much needed hug. "I missed you too, Liam." You followed Liam into the house and hugged the other boys, except for Niall who wasn't even acknowledging you being there. Niall and Anna were sitting on the couch and, of course, you could hear her complaining about you into his ear, though she wasn't trying too hard to keep her voice down. She kept saying things like "I can't believe that you were even friends with her before, Ni" or "Why is she even here, Nialler? Who would even want her here?" and finally, "She doesn't understand that everyone here hates her. I can't believe she thought their pity invite was for real." You didn't expect those words to hurt but they did, a lot. You turned around and went back to the kitchen to grab your bag but you ran into Harry on the way. "Whoa, y/n, where are you going in such a hurry?" You tried to hide your face from him so that he wouldn't be able to see that you had a few tears running down your face but he then decided to lift your chin up so he could see your face better. "Hey, love. What's wrong?" He wiped away your stray tears and led you towards the living room out of earshot. You both had sat down on the carpet facing each other and you automatically started venting to him. You ranted about How Niall had begun ignoring you for Anna and what you had heard her saying about you just moments ago. "Y/n," Harry interrupted you. "Love, you don't deserve any of this and if Niall is going to believe these lies that she's telling him then it's his loss. He doesn't deserve to have you as a friend. Just stick with the rest of us." Harry pulled you onto his lap and began to sing into your ear to calm you down more. You were about to get up when you heard Niall yelling and the door slam shut. You and Harry looked at each other and heard footsteps coming towards you both. "What the hell are you two doing in here?" Niall looked at both of you and you saw that his eyes were red and it looked like he had been crying. You stood up and walked over towards Niall while Harry slipped away to let you guys talk in private. Niall automatically pulled you close to him and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry. I heard everything you said to Harry and I'm sorry for all of it. And then I came in here and I saw you with Harry and I ju-." You cut him off with a kiss. You pulled away once you remembered that Niall had a girlfriend and started blushing madly. "Sorry I shouldn't have done that. That was a mistake I ca-" "If you're worrying about my girlfriend, stop because she is gone. I kicked her out once I heard you and Harry talking about her." He smiled and pulled you in for another kiss. Maybe jealously isn't always a bad thing.

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