I understood word exorcism, so I knew for sure:the priest was reading exorcism, and John was possessed by the devil. Johncried: "You can't stop me. I know everything about you, how you killed thatwoman. Hey, I see you" he yelled at me. The priest saw me and shouted: "He iswatching me, get him out." Some people got into the room and laid me on theirhands. I was trying to jump but I couldn't. They took me out of the chamber,but before leaving, I saw a shadow on the ceiling - again. The man carried meto the closed part of the hospital and kicked me in a room without windows - itlooked like a room from the asylum. I was left there for the whole day. I wasawake for a long time. I lost the counting of time. I heard a strange voicecalling me again. After an extended period, I finally closed eyes and wentasleep. In my dream, I was looking from my point of view. I was driving a car.It was raining. Suddenly a woman dressed in all black jumped on the road fromnowhere. She was looking terrifying. I turned the car and crashed into a tree.The car was broken down upside down. The woman came near me and cut a part ofmy hair. After hours of lying so, an ambulance escort came and pulled me fromthe car. They brought me ti the hospital. In doctor's room, when he waschecking me, I saw that black figure, again. He jumped from the ceiling andcame next to me. I wanted to yell or move, but I couldn't. The man touched me,and I woke up. But when I woke up, the shadow man was there, looking at me. Hewas saying something, bur suddenly doors opened, and he disappeared. Vanessacame into the room. She was smiling: "You can go now but don't try to break therules again, or the punishment will be worse." Ooh, how beautiful she was. Shewas an angel fell from the sky, innocent. I got from the room and met John,Ross and Katy, my hospital squad. John seemed not to remember anything, norKaty or Ross I told them everything that I saw. We decided to see what happensafter midnight in the hospital. We went out after 12 o'clock. When we got onthe first floor surprisingly the doors to cellar were open. Ross said: "followme." We got into the basement, there were more doors, and all of them wereclosed. So Ross started going up. We followed him. When we got up, we saw thatRoss was in the hands of these nurses. We cried "No" and tried to pull Ross,but nurses were untouchable. They were ghosts. They asked Ross: "What's yourname? Say it faster, and it will be without pain" Ross had no other choice, andhe said: "Ross." The nurses looked at each other: "We found the one." One ofthem was holding Ross and other a rat poison. They put that poison in Ross'mouth and poured water. Some green substance came up from Ross' mouth, and hefell on the floor shaking. After a couple of minutes, he stopped shaking. Wecouldn't move, the nurses used some supernatural power against us. Ross wasdead. The nurses cut his arms. Blood started pouring on the floor. One of themput to fingers in blood and wrote on the wall R with it. Suddenly letters M, U,R, D, E appeared, so it was spelled "MURDER." The nurses laughed and spelled:"M-U-R-D-E-R" and said: "our mission is done, now we are free." Suddenly abright light flashed, and the nurses disappeared with Ross. I think theycompleted their mission, so they had nothing to do in the world. They weregoing to hell. Finally, we were able to move. We wanted to run away, but doorswere closed. We went back into our room devastated. We decided to run away thenext day.
The Shadow Man
HorrorAfter an accident, Jay is taken into a hospital, which has dark past. He will have to deal with supernatural things. *Inspired by AHS Asylum and Roanoke*