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I've read yall's comments and I have to agree, although I love this story sometimes it can be confusing and this is my fault. Instead of taking my time and publishing great chapters, I just pumped out trash and y'all don't deserve that. I want to eventually go back and rewrite/edit both books, but I don't have to time for that right now.

This "chapter" is going to be clarification for anyone who has been confused about the timeline and characters. I want to write at least five more chapters before ending this book and moving on to the third, which will be about Kai and Chris.

 I want to write at least five more chapters before ending this book and moving on to the third, which will be about Kai and Chris

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The Main Characters







Supporting Characters

Aunt Bertha

Bennie and Jason

Nathan and his family

Denise and Toni



*Sometimes when I have a flashback in the story I tend to mention a season and year. This is to give the reader a sense of realism. Also in this universe, Hurricane Katrina never happened!*


- Savannah was born on April 9, 1988, to Anita and Charles Cox in New Orleans, LA.

- Savannah is the oldest of two kids, her brother is Benard "Bennie" Cox and he is three years younger than her.

- Savannah's parents abused the hell out of her and when her brother was born he was sent to live with their mother's sister, Bertha, and eventually, Savannah went to live with her.

- Savannah met Terell Juan Garcia aka Nino when she was only fourteen and he was nineteen.

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Dwindling Secrets(The Grey Area Sequel)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora