Confrontation (1)

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Savannah POV

Ever since I announced my engagement to my family, Kai has been having a little funky ass attitude. I know he wants me to be happy and I am happy with Marcus. Maybe he still thinks about Ethan and I's relationship which was wonderful but just like the other one, he just left me.

Don't get me wrong Ethan was a breath of fresh air and had made me feel ways that I have never felt before, but he also ruined my life for almost 9 years. After he left, I became depressed and had thought that maybe it was me that was messing up the relationships.

After being in two failed relationships and having a sperm donor who tarnished my childhood, it became my mission to raise my boys to be better than the men that I had known.

Kai thought that he was a grown man once he graduated high school and a month after graduation he popped up with a baby. Don't get me wrong I love my grandson but being a 39-year-old grandmamma isn't the business. He never explained why Maya hasn't taken care of THEIR baby or how he's getting money all of a sudden.

But my baby Chris and grandbaby Luca haven't disappointed me yet.

Today is not the day...

Kai decided to be a smart ass and leave town with my grandbaby when he was supposed to be here babysitting Chris. I've been calling and texting him but he's ignoring me.

I picked up my cellphone and dialed Kai's number again, hoping he would pick up so I can tear him a new one.

"Kai Anthony Cox, have you lost your rabbit ass mind? First, you leave here without my permission, then you drag my grand baby into your bullshit! You better be glad I'm at work because if I was at home yo ass would've gotten a verbal and physical beat down."

I heard what sounded like a chuckle in the background.


"Uh-um that was Denise."

"Ohhhh so you took your ass to Boston? You know what I'm coming up there tomorrow!" I said and hung up.

I'm beyond livid...I'm ready to whoop some ass.

"Patrick I have two questions to ask:'Can you lock up for me?' I have to leave early and I won't be here for the rest of the weekend. Also,' can you be in charge until I get back?'

"Yes and yes!"

"Thanks, you're such a lifesaver!"

While walking out of the bakery I made a call to my connect at the airport for a red-eye to Westford,MA. 

Even though the flight wore me out, I still have enough energy to whoop Kai, Denise, and Bennie asses! 

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Even though the flight wore me out, I still have enough energy to whoop Kai, Denise, and Bennie asses! 

To make sure I wasn't overreacting I decided to call my aunt.

S:"Aunt Bertha, have you heard anything about Kai being in Westford?"

B:"Yeah child, supposedly he came up her with my chunky monkey (Luca)  trying to run away from trouble."

S: "Why the hell you mean trouble?"

B: "Now look here, I ain't the motherfucka you need to be questioning like that. If you would've raised his ass right he wouldn't be out here slanging dope just like his raggedy ass pappy."

I was taken aback on that last part, "Kai slanging dope", he would never do such a thing especially when he saw how it affected our family. 

S: "I'm not going to sit up here and listen to you rant about shit you know nothing about. The only thing I need you to tell me is my son's location."

Bertha deeply chuckled and deeply sighed.

B: "Since you know everything go ask Kai yourself".

"Why does she have to be so nasty with me?" I thought to myself.

I finally tracked down my driver and had him wait before driving.

S:"Denise where the fuck is my son?" 

I could hear someone in the background yell "Oh shit!"

D: "Well damn is that anyway to greet your cousin-in-law and to answer your question NO! I haven't seen or heard from Kai in the last 6 months."

S: "I'm not in the mood to play these childish ass games with you, WHERE  THE FUCK IS KAI?".

All I could hear was heavy breathing for a while before somebody spoke.

K: "Momma why you always buggin I'm out here chilling with my fam. Is that illegal?"

Before answering Kai, I quickly gave the driver the address to Denise and Toni's condo.


K: "Oh so know I'm supposed to tell you my every move...look mane I ain't got all day with this BS!"

S: "You talking to me? I know you ain't talking to me like that?".

The driver kept looking in the mirror to make sure that I was ok and announced that the traffic may delay the drive.

K: "You always trying to ruin a nigga life, it ain't my fault the nigga you went slowly draining your life. And it ain't like you up here to stop me!".

S: "You think the world is so Terrible with me in it? Wait til you see what it's like Without Me. And if I were you I would be Terrified."

I ended the call.

"Ma'am we're here.", the driver said and proceeded to get my luggage. 

"Would you like me to bring up your bags?", he asked.

"I got it and thanks." I handed him $20 as the tip and I grabbed my bags.

" I handed him $20 as the tip and I grabbed my bags

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