Chapter 5

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Hey guys, it's Makayla. I felt really bad for leaving a cliffhanger, so the sucker I am, I'm double updating! Y'all better be grateful! Lol, lemme just tell you. I'm raiding so many fanfic a that I'm a sobbing mess! I had no idea I could cry this much! Well, chapter 5, here it comes!

Love, Makayla

Oh no, this is not happening. I thought to myself. Why would they even care what happened to me? I'm just a fucked up teenager in Illinois?

"Hey Katy, you feeling alright?" one of them asks, he's actually quite cute. His eyes though, oh my god!

"Yeah, I think so. Can you just tell me your names? I really have no idea who you are, we'll i do cause of Ms. Fangirl over here," I say pointing to Bela as I see her cheeks flush in embarrassment "but I don't know any of you."

"Well for starters, I'm Niall." says the one with the gorgeous eyes who's right next to me. "Then that's Louis" he says pointing to a guy with a striped shirt chomping on a carrot.

"Ello love!" he says with a mouthful of carrot. I can't help but to giggle.

"Then there's Zayn," Niall says pointing to a guy with his hair perfectly quaffed.

"Vas happening." He says in a raspy, English voice.

"Liam," he points to a guy with a Woody doll in his hand. "This is for you, hope ya feel better." He says handing me the doll. I nod as a thank you.

"And last but not least, Harry!" He says pointing to the guy who asked me if I was okay when he first came in. His green eyes sparkled as he looked up from his phone and gave me a smirk. "Hey babe." he greeted me. I felt like I was gonna barf cause he called me babe.

What a flirt, I thought in my head, well two can play at this game.

"Sup." I said while nodding "So what brings you guys up to Gurnee?" I asked Niall.

"Well, we're performing at Soldier Field this weekend and we thought that we should see a movie on our way up to Chicago." Niall explained.

"But you already passed Chicago?" Bela said while trying to hold the smile she was hiding the whole time.

"Eh, we didn't want to be somewhere the paparazzi would think we would be." Louis shrugged. I could feel Harry's eyes pasted on me. I glared and I saw a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, lovely. So how long until you guys leave exactly? Cause I'm dying to know!" I say with a fake smile on my face. Bela nudged me right when I got the words to leave my mouth.

"Ow Bela, right in the fucking ribs!" I winced in pain.

"Sorry!" she said while putting her hands up apologetically.

"It's ok, I'm fine." I said, then I locked my eyes with the same green ones when the doer opened. He gave me a smile, then looked down breaking the eye contact. What a prick! How does Bela even like this guy?

"Well, it was nice meeting you two lovely ladies but we should get going. Here's my number so maybe when your out of here, we can see the wonderful things in Chicago." Niall says giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek and his number while exiting the room.

"Bye love, hope you feel better." Louis says kissing my forehead

"See ya later!" Zayn says following Louis out the door waving goodbye.

"Make sure to get lots of rest, ok? I hope you feel better, you seem like a really nice person. One that I'd like to hang with." Liam says "Sleep well sunshine." He says while kissing the top of my head. Bela is in awe and complete shock when Liam asks her to follow him outside. I giggle when she glances at me and mouths "oh my god!" No the only people in the room is me and Harry.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Kathlene. You are very beautiful." He says while walking towards the chair beside the bed and sitting down.

"One, it's Katy. Two, I know that your a total flirt who thinks he can get any girl int the room. Let me just tell you right now that I've been with a guy like that and he kicked me in my ribs causing me to be in a hospital bed. I'm not that stupid to fall for tricks like that anymore." I snapped at him. He was shocked when I said that.

"I don't think I'm a flirt, but whatever. You can think what you want to think, free country right?" He said slouching in his chair.

"Can you go so I can get some sleep?" I asked harshly.

"Sure, here's my number just in case you change your mind." He whispered in my ear. I felt goosebumps rise as he kisses my cheek.

"See you later beautiful." He says as he strides out of the room. I'm left alone with myself and my thoughts.

Why do they always go for the damsels in distress? I thought to myself, oh well. Wonder what Bela will think when I tell her what happened.

I look up and I see the door open when Bela comes in.

"What the fuck happened and why did Harry just ask me for your number?" She asks in disbelief.

Uh, why! Why did I have to go to the movies and skip cheer?! Oh shit, my coach is gonna be pissed!

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