Chapter 7

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Olivia's POV:
I slowly opened my eyes to see I was in a hospital bed and Michael was waiting next to the bed with a very concerned look on his face. Everything felt slow and heavy. I groaned "what happened..?" Michael's face lit up. "Thank god your awake!" He cheered and took my hand in his. "I was so scared Olivia." He said his voice sounding relieved. I tried to sit up but I felt very weak there was a stabbing pain in my chest, I winced. "Don't move." Michael ordered and I obeyed. "What happened?" I repeated. He sighed "it turns out that that cop was actually the man who shot me, he wasn't supposed to shoot me though he was supposed to shoot you." I realized Michael had stitches near is eyebrow. "What happened to your face??" I asked. "When he shot you I tackled him and knocked the gun out of his hand, we started fighting and he pulled out a knife and cut my face." "Oh my gosh! Michael are you alright?!" I asked horrified. "Am I alright? You got shot in the chest! He missed your heart by an inch." No wonder my chest was hurting so much. "Luckily the whole thing was caught on tape by security camera's at the police station, police came in and arrested him." He said. "Wow... the past few weeks have been crazy..." was all I could say.

The doctor came into the room. "your very lucky Olivia, the bullet was very close to your heart, but you lost a lot of blood you will need a blood donor." Michael looked at me with concern. "Could... I donate some blood?" Michael asked. "Hm... we can check your blood type and if you are compatible, then yes you may donate blood to Olivia." The doctor stated. "Mic- I mean Joseph you already got shot for me! You don't have to donate your bloo-" "Olivia it wasn't your fault I was shot, please you need blood, let me do this." He cut me off. I grew silent he was right I did need blood... he looked back at the doctor "alright let's test my blood." The doctor came over to Michael with a needle to prick his finger, once Michael's blood was collected the doctor left the room "I'll be right back with the results."

Shortly after he returned. "Well Joseph, it looks like your comparable." The doctor said. "Alright then I would like to donate my blood to Olivia." The doctor got out a bunch of stuff to extract the blood from Michael. I watched as Michael's blood poured into a little bag. Once the bag was full the doctor attached an IV to it than placed the IV into my arm. "There we are." The doctor said and left the room. I looked over at Michael who was watching his blood go from the bag to the tube and into my arm. "Thank you Michael... for everything you've done." He looked at me and smiled. "Your welcome Olivia." He said and tucked my strands of hair behind my ear. "One sec, let me go to the bathroom." Michael said and got up. I closed my eyes, I don't know why but when he came out of the bathroom I pretended I was asleep. I heard him sit next to the bed. He started stroking my hair and humming "heaven can wait." I couldn't help but smile. Michael chuckled "I saw that." I opened one of my eyes "no you didn't." I said and closed my eye. He kept humming and stroking the top of my head until I really did fell asleep.

Michael's POV:
I looked at Olivia I think she was really asleep now. I felt a little bit dizzy probably because of the blood loss but since it was for Olivia it was worth it. I got a text message and I looked at my phone to see who it was. It was Paris "hi Daddy! Could I visit you this weekend?" I missed my children so much... I was so glad to have Olivia around, she had managed to take my mind off of my own children just enough so I wasn't miserably sad all the time. "Yes of course sweetie." I replied. I looked at Olivia, I still haven't told anyone about her yet. "And there's someone I want you to meet." I added.

Olivia's POV:
I woke up and saw that Michael had also fallen asleep. I had to admit I had a tiny crush on Michael, but I knew that he probably see's me something along the lines of his child... for now at least.

I looked at the clock it was already 12am. I reached over and gently shook Michael, I think the blood really helped because I wasn't feeling as weak anymore. Michael woke up and looked at his watch, "I think we can go home now, let's just ask a doctor." He got up and left the room and came back with the doctor. "How are you feeling now?" The doctor asked me. "Better." I yawned. "Just a little tired... but I don't feel as weak as when I first woke up." I stated. "That's good, in that case I think your ok to leave." The doctor walked up to me and removed my IV. Michael handed me my clothes as I was in hospital clothes.

I got up and went to the washroom to change. Once I was done we left the hospital and Bill drove us home.  "Alright you should go to bed now, tomorrow is your first day of home school." Michael said. "Goodnight AppleHead." I said. Michael looked at me and raised an eyebrow "I haven't been called that in a while.." he chuckled. "Goodnight Olivia." He said and I went to bed.

****Middle of the night****

My father held a gun to Michael's head and laughed. "No! Please! Shoot me instead!" I cried. He laughed harder. "Oh little Olivia... did you really think you could live a happy life?" He asked. "Now Wacko... say hi to Olivia's mother for me will you?" he then pulled the trigger and Michael fell to the floor dead.

I suddenly woke up screaming. Michael ran into my room "What's wrong Olivia?!" He panicked. All I could do was cry. He ran over to me and sat on the bed with me. "Shh... tell me what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He comforted me. I nodded my head yes. He hugged me. "It's alright, your safe now. It was just a dream." He said. I buried my face into his chest. "Can you stay in here tonight?" I asked scared. "Sure thing." He said and I fell asleep in Michael's arms.

****next morning****

I woke up and right away felt that Michael wasn't in the bed. I jumped out of bed and ran as fast as I could into the kitchen where I saw him making breakfast. "Woah, slow down Olivia, I don't want you to get hurt." He said. "Sorry..." I said. "It's alright, just be more careful next time. Oh and get ready your teacher will be here in an hour.

I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I went into the kitchen and saw that Michael had two plates filled with fruits and heart shaped pancakes. "Aw that's adorable!" I said. Michael smiled "I'm glad you like it."

After we ate breakfast there was a knock on the door.  Michael put on a mask and opened the door and there stood a woman. "Hi I'm Maddison Rose, I'm here to teach a girl named Olivia Wilson?" The woman said. "Oh she's right here, please, come in." Michael said in a very friendly voice. The woman smiled at me "hi I'm Ms. Rose." She held out her hand. "Olivia Wilson." I smiled back and shook her hand. "Oh! Before I forget, a man outside of the apartment building asked if I knew a girl named Olivia Wilson, I said 'yes I'm her teacher, why?' He just nodded and walked away." Michael and I frowned. "What did the man look like?" Michael asked. She thought for a moment "he had brown messy hair, a long beard and moustache, green eyes... oh and a tattoo of a triangle on his arm." I suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over me. "Th- that's... that's my dad!"

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