Slam Poem- Teenager ABC's

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Teenagers work through their own personal alphabet

A- anxiety that takes over our brain and leaves our parents wondering why we cant seem to grasp the concept of pythagarean theorm or find the value of x because they dont realize that we anticipate the fear of rejection and words of hatred from you that stings our hearts 

B- broken inside because we know that no matter what we do, someone has something to say. the knowing and fearing of the fact that we cant do anything right. the broken heart from not wanting to try anymore because we are expected to grow up and be just like our parents without making the same mistakes they made years ago

C- cutting. not just physically but mentally. the mental strain our teachers and social lives put on us. we are expected to be active in our school. join clubs, have fun, make friends. and at the same time do 5 hours of homework on material we dont understand because we are taught in one way. and then the teachers claim their lives are stressful and they have to much work on their hands so they cant grade the tests we studied hours for and accepted the fails on homework in all our other classes just so we could pass that one test. 

D- desiring that one person we know we cant have because they are either taken or fictional or in a worse mental state than we are

E- eager. eager to move onto the next step in our lives as if we think it will all somehow get better. one way or another it will get better. we just have to choose which way we will move on and where we go

F- fuck you all

G- greed. we are greedy when it comes to our own emotions. we care about ourselves. the more we put ourselves down and tell you we hate ourselves the more we care about ourselves. we are telling you so you feel bad for us, so you reach out and save our emotions from breaking down. our greed feeds off of society. the hungrier it gets, the more narley it becomes

H- high off life, high off sadness, high off drugs. everything comes with a high and a low and we as teenagers will do whatever we can to feel that high whether its laughing crying smoking or drinking as long as we feel that rush we know we are sky high and nothing can touch us

I- independance. its only given to us at the moments we dont need the help. people must assume we are so corrupted we cant be helped anymore.

J- jealousy. We cant help but want what eveyrone else has becasue it helps to prove our point that our lives are imperfect.

K- knowledge of everything we dont want knowledge on. by your standards we need to know the theories of matter and how to properly identify irony in shakesphere, but by society's, we need to know who thinks of us as whores and sluts, who thinks of us as desperate and stupid. we need to know opinions

L- lonely. no matter how many people can sqeeze into one space, we will always be alone because no one reaches out for other people when they are to busy trying to get others to reach out for them

M- motivation to do only two things. sleep and eat. until suddenly its brought down to one. sleep.

N- never ending days. all we want is to be safe in our rooms becasue we feel that no matter where we are we are judged. even our familes, make the living room an unshared space. when the second we step out of our rooms we are told we need to be better. be more like your brother. be more like your neighbor, more like him, more like her. more like everyone. but yourself.

O- online. because the only people that are our friends come from the people in our fandoms. the people half way across the world that we can only talk to through facebook. the people who feel the same pains over tumblr and the celebrities that make us feel important on twitter. the places that our parents claim ruin our lives but little do they know, these places are saving them. 

P- pleasing everyone but us. it never seems to work but we have been taught that as long as the people that "love us" and "care for us" are happy with who we are, its means we suceeded. it doesnt matter if we like what we see in the rusted, reflecting glass that hangs on our walls, only so we can stare and believe we are nothing but a waste of fresh oxegyn, as long as we are acceptable to others.

Q- questions and questioned. everything we want to be answered but are too scared to let everyone know we are curious, yet everyone else seems to have the courage to ask us everything on their minds. so why as a great population of this earth are we scared to have a voice?

R- Rusted. our lives have just started and yet we are already tired. we are worked to our bones between school and jobs and friends and family. we cant take it. and our parents always tell us we have it better but i can guarentee to you that the stress and anxiety and depression levels when they were our ages were nothing like they are today.

S- stressed to be perfect for a person that doesnt see you because you believe that if you make yourself a totally different person, they will finally want you and the whole in your heart will be filled

T- tears. the tears we shed every night because another day has gone by that we havent given up. the tears that come every time there is that one person that notices your struggle and tells you that they are your sign. When you realize there is a purpose to your life, you just have to reach it. When someone cares.

U- unlocked is the passage to your heart as the person that cares is suddenly all you can see. you realize that they are what you have been waiting for. you learn that it doesnt matter where your love is because at the end of the day it lies with one person.

V- vengance. never wanting those who hurt you get away so become an equal part of society. it is uncontrollable. no one admits to being the razor towards everyone else but it happens. we want others to feel our pains and aches

W- withering away with too many emotions to count. too many sleepless nights and daydremaing days. our souls have nothing left to feed on when we are convinced we are not alive and the only thing that reminds us we are still breathing is pain. 

X- xenial when told. on command. as if we are pieces of art or dogs only used as show for others benifits

Y- Young. we know of our age and we live how we feel we can. dont yell at us because we stay out late with our friends because we hear you complain about how you for wish your freedom. we know we are young and we want to use it to our advantage

Z- zzzz. the sound of our sleeping. the only time our souls arent being eaten.

zzzz. the sounds of our souls being eaten.

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