skies are gray

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        Today, you've been having a bad day since your boyfriend broke up with you just last night. Since then, you've eaten through one small tub of of Ben & Jerry's and a bag of chocolates. You lean over and grab your phone off the side table next to the couch, trying to see if you can find someone to talk to to possibly make you feel better. You scroll through your contacts, thinking about how each one could possibly console you in the situation,

"Annoying, Rude, Ignorant, Boring..." You say before you come across your best guy friend since preschool, Ashton. You decide to text a simple, one worded text, "Hey x". You send it, not having a second thought about it and you turn the channel to the Notebook, which was already almost halfway over.

        About ten minutes pass and Ashton hasn't texted you back so you just decide to place your phone on the arm of the couch and you snuggle up with one of your favorite blankets wrapped around your shoulders.

"Love is a joke! He doesn't love you!" You say to the T.V, wiping your tears off your cheek with your hoodie sleeve and you see your phone light up with a reply from Ashton

"Hey, sorry I didn't reply earlier. I was caught up in the studio. You alright?" Ashton asks and you reply,

"No. Derek broke up with me... :-( x" You sigh as you type the message and send it, turning off the T.V and turning on some music. Your phone buzzes yet again with a tect from Ash but this time, it's a picture message. You open it and see it's him, pulling a funny face and looking like an absoulte dork with his Starbucks which makes you laugh. "I'm glad we're friends ❤ x" You send back to Ashton. You honestly have no idea where'd you be without him. He's the one who always picks you up when you're down. 

"Same to you :-) call you later and we'll talk about this, okay? I'll make you laugh your ass off." Ashton text says and you giggle to yourself,

"Sounds good!" You say, still smiling. Who knows, someday Ashton may be more than just a friend.

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