Tour begining and wait what?!?!

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Morgans P.O.V.

Woo! We just started tour and i cant wait, I'm with my 5 five best friends for like 10 months! But sadly, Eleanor is gonna be with us halfway in and she isnt the biggest fan of me. She hates that me and Louis are close, she gets really jealous when we hangout. Oh well I'll enjoy my time with Louis while i can! We are touring Europe first, then we are going to America. This is going  to be one of the best times of my life whats creeping me out though is Harry will not stop staring at me, like for real i catch him staring like every 10 minutes! It makes me wonder about that boy.

Harrys P.O.V.

Why cant i stop staring at her? She keeps catching me and is giving me weird looks every time. I cant help that i stare at her she is just beautiful and i know i need to tell her how I feel but I just dont know how to tell her yet, Im going to get help from Niall  because he always has some good advice and i dont want to go to Louis with this. I know that him and Morgan are really close and i dont want him telling her about it. I see Niall get up and go back by the bunks so i follow him, this is my opportunity.

Niall's P.O.V.

Ughh stupid phone is going to die! I get up to go to my bunk and grab my charger, I hear footsteps behind me when i get to my bunk and I hear Harry say," Hey mate, i need your help with something and you cant tell anyone!" I look at him concerned and say," What's up?"  He looks down and replys,"How do I tell Morgan how I feel about her?" I look at him wide eyed and said," Woah woah woah! You like Morgan?!?!" He puts his pointer finger to his lips to tell me to be quiet and says in a soft voice,"Yes, I have since we met her. I think I should finally tell her how I feel."  I calm down a little and say," What about Louis? You know how close they are." He replies," He has Eleanor, I really like Morgan a lot and I really want to find out if she feels the same way, I need to know Niall."

1 1/2 hours later

Morgans P.O.V.

Harry walks out of the bunkroom with Niall behind him, they must have had an interesting talk. Harry comes in front of me and says," Our next stop is in 2 minutes, I need to talk to you about something if thats okay?" I smile and say," Of course we can talk."  As if on cue the bus stops at a gas station and we all run off like little kids. I get  pulled back by someone, its Harry. He pulls me behind the bus and says," I wanted to talk to you about this, so here I go. Morgan I really like you, and I think your beautiful and funny snd perfect. I need to know, do you like me too?" I look at him in shock and stutter out," H-Harry I......"



What does Morgan say? Does she like him back? Stay Tuned for the next chapter of  Wanting you!

~Shawnabug <3

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