Fighting for her love

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Louis's P.O.V.

What is wrong with me?  I love Morgan but shes with Harry and i cant believe I kissed her like that, what if he finds out? Why do I care if he finds out, I deserve her more than he does. I would treat her better than he would. She should be mine, I should be the one she curls into when shes sleeping, i should be kissing her and holding her hand, not Harry. Morgan probably doesnt believe anything I told her about me and Eleanors ''relationship''. I don't know what to do anymore, I mean I could sabotage their relationship to have her as mine but I think that would ruin our friendship... Although it could lead to her running into my arms... which I want her to do so I might as well give it a shot.

Harry's P.O.V.

 I wake up panting from my nightmare, that didnt happen... did it?

I hear Morgan and Louis talking about how things have been lately, "Louis I really like Harry, why would you make that up?"  Morgan says sounding upset. I peek around the corner and see them standing pretty close to eachother, "Morgan Im not making anything up, me and Eleanor arent actually dating! Harry is just going to hurt you, but I wont!" Morgan looks upset and says,"Harry wont hurt me he is your best friend, im a little dissapointed with how your talking about him."   Louis takes a step closer if thats even possible and said,"This is why." he smashed his lips to hers but she didnt push away right away, she kissed him back for a minute and then pushed away. I slip away quickly and sit on the couch before she comes and sits by me.

Thats when I woke up... Tell me that didnt happen, please god tell me she didnt kiss him... I dont want to fight for her to love me..


And theres another chapter! Sorry it took so long! we still love you crazy mofo's! <3 Keep reading!


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