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y/n pov

well after all of that he didn't even notice me. he didn't even look my way damn ! I must be that ugly. I damn ! really?? anyways let me make my way ignore keith and move on to something better, right?

y/f/n-hey girl wanna go to the mall? keith is gonna be there look your best.

y/n-not even i'm not gonna waste my time i'm done.


y/n-I tried for three years trying make him notice me and it's not working. it's to just give up and let someone else take his place.

y/f/n-please come please I got a guy i'm going with I need you to make me feel comfortable.

y/n-alright i'm coming.

y/f/n-see you there.

y/n-okay bye. she hung up.

she got up and looked picked out some clothes to wear.

y/n-alright this one.

y/n-wow I look nice ! anyway let's go

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y/n-wow I look nice ! anyway let's go.

she gets on her bmw and starts driving and get to the highway and finally gets to the mall.

y/f/n-girl you look really good ! damn !

y/n-never lost it, never will !

y/f/n-for sure. me too.

as the both them were done showing off the met up with the group and keith saw y/n. his opened wide.

y/n-hey guys sorry i'm late sort of. she flipped her hair.

woody-lovely seeing you.

y/n- same here.

algee-you look good !

y/n-lol okay.

luke-where is y/f/n?

y/f/n-she's here babe. she went up and kissed him.

y/n-let's go shopping.

she walked passed everybody and Keith could not help but to wonder how he did not realize y/n before. y/n walked passed some light skin guys and she caught the three of them looking at y/n.

Suddenly keith felt threaten.

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