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DISCLAIMER! I do not own Percy Jackson, or any of its characters!

   Will glanced over at the clock on the stove, he had 30 minutes before Nico got home. He was planning on surprising Nico with dinner. He was going to make Chicken Alfredo with a nice green salad on the side because Nico needed to eat more nutritious foods. 'You can't live off of McDonald's Nico!' Will thought to himself laughing under his breath. He didn't exactly know how to cook, considering Nico mostly cooked their food, but he had seen a lot of Food Network. 'How hard can this be? I've watched so much food network, I'm practically an expert!' Will thought to himself, he couldn't be more wrong!


  Nico opened the door to his apartment after coming home from a long day at the art studio. As soon as he walked in, he released something wasn't right. He smelled smoke, and the room was sightly foggy. He also herd the faint sound of crying come from the direction of the bedroom he shared with Will.
"Will sweetie, I'm home!" He called out softly. He recited no answer. He walked further into his apartment and into the bedroom. He found Will hidden in the corner by their bed. Nico slowly walked over to him, carful not to scare him, and bent down beside him.
"Hey," he whispered pushing Will's golden wavy hair off his forehead. "What's wrong?" Will looked up at him and murmured, "I tried to cook dinner for us, but I didn't know what I was doing and I burned it!" He let out a small sob. A small smile spread across Nico's face as he wiped a tear from his boyfriend's face.
"Oh darling, it's ok, you're still alive! That's all that matters, now come on, and let's get you calmed down. We can always go out to eat!" Nico suggested eagerly. Will shifted his arms, and looked up at Nico,
"Ok" he whispered.
"Hey," Nico planted a small kiss on his cheek, "I love you! Don't forget that!" He smiled. Will smiled back.
"I love you too Sunshine!" Will answer getting to his feet, "Now where do you want to go?" He smirked.
"I don't know, how about Italian!"
"Of course! What else would it be?" Will asked, clearly exasperated. Nico laughed in response as they grabbed their coats, and keys.
"McDonalds!" He laughed as he closed the door behind them.

Heyy sorry I haven't updated in a while, school :/ also sorry this was so short, I wanted to get something up. ;) Also if you have any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments!

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