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DISCLAIMER! I do not own Percy Jackson, or any of its characters!

Nico hated the fact that he was shorter then his boyfriend, Will. It made him feel insecure about his height. He wished he was taller so people would take him more seriously and wouldn't say "aww look how cute and small he is!" Nico didn't want to be cute or small, he wanted to be seen as serious and strong. He couldn't help his height, and he knew that, but he could still hate it. He hated having to sometimes buy jeans from the children's section because the adult sizes were too long. He hated never being able to reach anything on the top shelves. He hated having to stand on his toes to kiss his boyfriend, and he hated the fact he had to constantly look up to talk to any of his friends, well except his sister, Hazel. He also hated being mistaken for a child when he went somewhere in public. All though he had a badass attitude and acted like nothing bothered him, deep down he was really insecure about his height.

    Will loved the fact his boyfriend, Nico, was shorter than him. He loved the fact that Nico's head fit perfectly over his heart when they laid together. He loved the face he made when he was frustrated he couldn't reach something from the top shelf, and the annoyed look he gave him when Will helped him. He loved when Nico stole his sweatshirts they were too big, and hung off him like a dress. He thought he looked adorable snuggled up in Will's favourite gray sweatshirt. He loved being able to parade around giving him piggyback rides, and letting him sit on his shoulders when he couldn't see something at a concert or parade. He knew Nico was insecure about his height, but that was all the more reasons to love it. If Nico couldn't love every part of himself, it was Will's job to love it for him, and help him see how perfect he is.

Sorry for not posting in forever, I was busy with summer homework and family stuff, but you probably don't care so enough excuses. This is a bit different from my other stuff, but I felt like writing it. I'm sorry if it's not as good, I'm writing it at 2:00AM and I wanted to get something up :/
~Ada ;)

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