Cpt 4 - Golden Tooth

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As I was in the car and opened the small piece of paper Error gave me.  It was his phone number.  I added it into my contacts and smiled.  When I got home my mom started making dinner.  She hadn't noticed the crack in my skull yet, I took a deep breath and prepared for her to baby me about it.  "So what did you do at the carnival?" My mom asked not looking away from cooking.  "Oh we rode a lot of rides! And I rode a roller coaster for the first time!" I said happily.  "Aw! I wish you got pictures!" She said sadly.  "Well I got a few pics with Error if you want I can send you them" I offered.  "Oh yes please" my mom said pleased.  I sent them to her on my phone.  "So what else did you do?" She asked.  "Well we ate a lot of cotton candy and played a few games but sadly we didn't win anything" I said.  "Aw I thought you would win something for me" my Mom joked.  "Nope it would have been mine" I smirked and my mom laughed.  She prepared mine and her plate and walked over and set one down in front of me and she sat down. Prepare to be babied in 3... 2... 1... My mom looked up and saw my crack "Oh my god! Where did that come from!?" She asked.  "I fell it was nothing bad" I assured her.  My mom grabbed my head and looked at it.  "You need a bandage are you sure someone didn't push you or anything?" She asked.  "Heh I'm sure" I said.  "Well okay then I'll be right back" my mom got up and went to find a bandage.  "It isn't that bad mom" I assured her.  I rolled my eyes.  I know ever since dad died mom promised to protect me but she's not exactly always there.  She came back.  "Now hold still" she applied the bandage on my head.  I sighed.  After eating I did my homework and went to bed.  The next morning I heard a ding on my phone.  I looked to see who texted me.  It was Error.

ERROR: Hey! Can't come to school today I'm sick 😞

ME: Aw too much cotton candy?

ERROR: Yeah! Haha! Well have a good day at school

ME: Thanks have a good day at home!

ERROR: Haha! I'll try! 😘

ME: 😘

I got up and got dressed.  I walked to school on my own  seeing no Error.  It was different.  At school I went to my locker to get my books and next thing I know I'm shoved into it.  "Ow!" I turned to see who it was and of course it was Fell.  He smirked.  "Knock it off Fell" I said to him sternly tired of his childish bullying.  "Or what? You gonna hurt me?" He asked.  Kids started to gather around us.  "I will if I have to" I turned completely to him staring him dead in to the eye.  He went in to punch me and knocked me down.  He stepped on my skull.  "You weaker than I thought" he said in a disappointed tone.  I grabbed his foot from behind and slipped him and he landed next to me.  I got up turned him over and sat on him.  "I told you not to mess with me did I not?" Fell opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.  I punched him over and over as everyone around me saw.  I punched him more as blood spilled out of his mouth.  I saw his golden tooth fly out. I picked it up and showed it to Fell.  "I told you you were gonna lose this special thing next did you listen? No" he growled and I got off.  Fell stood up but I punched him down once more.  I heard a teacher yell.  "What is going on!?" He looked at the mess.  "Okay explain what happened" he walked over to us.  Fell looked at me "I'm gonna get my revenge just wait!" Fell growled.  "fell explain what happened" he smirked then said in a hurt and trembling voice "She punched me! I did nothing wrong she just did it for no reason!" He cried.  Tears started to stream down his face.  "Ink is this true?" The teacher looked at me in shock.  "No! He's been bullying everyone and he forced me to fight!" I said truthfully.  she looked at Fell.  "You two come with me"  we walked to the office.  I sat down in the principal's office and Fell did too.  "So Ink I heard you beat up Fell" he began.  "So? That doesn't compare to what he does to others! He beats up kids everyday and threatens them if they say anything!" I shot at him.  "Oh really?" The principal looked at Fell.  "Is this true?" He asked. Fell shook his head trying to save himself from getting in trouble.  "Fell I can call in students if nessicairy there's no use lying" the principal pressured.  Fell looked down.  "Fine I'm a bully but I don't care" he protested.  "Well Fell I hope you don't care about being suspended for a week and a talk afterward" Fell looked at him and rolled his eyes not caring.  The principal looked at me.  "And as for you I would suspend you but I've heard about the scattering and your father so I'll let it go but detention for 4 days after school will be required.  I sighed and nodded.  "Good Ink you are dismissed Fell a word?" I hurried out the door and saw Reaper waiting outside.  "I  heard everyting and you did the right thing" she said a little louder than how she normally talks.  "Heh thanks Reaper" she smiled.  "Wanna hang out after school?" She asked.  "Sorry I gatta drop something off at Errors house after school" I said sadly.  "Oh okay see ya" Reaper walked off.  

-tem skip-

After school I sat in detention which was quiet.  You could literally do nothing in there.  After it I ran home.  And hurried to do my homework.  "Hey mom can I go to Errors house?" I asked later.  "Isn't he sick?" She asked.  "Yeah but he's my boyfriend and..." "HE'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!?" She asked. "Oh yeah I didn't tell you"  I Chuckled nervously.  "Oh my baby!" She hugged me.  "I'm so proud" she said happily.  "Yeah so can I go?" I asked.  "Oh yeah! Go ahead" she smiled.  I ran out and to Errors house I knocked on his door.  His dad opened it.  "Oh hello! You must be ink" he said.  "Um yeah I have something for Error may I come in?" He let me in.  "He's in his room" he said and I thanked him.  I scurried upstairs and lightly knocked on Errors door.  "May I come in?" I asked.  "Y-yeah" Error said.  I walked in.  "Hey i-inky" he said happily.  "Hey! I got you something" I Sat down on his bed beside him and pulled out the tooth.  "Whoa! I-isnt that f-fells?" He asked.  "Yup I knocked it right out" I said looking at him.  "Oh cool t-thanks" he smiled.  "Well I just came over to give that too you and say hi but I better get home" I said.  "Aw o-okay" I kissed his forehead and walked out.  "Bye" and closed the door.


Heya! Sorry this chapter might been a little confusing but all books in real life are at some point.  Well my keyboard is being stupid the next chapter will come soon! Also! The story has SO MUCH TO BE DONEEE I'm gonna end up spending my life on this. ._. Anyway! Don't be surprised if I make shorter chapters there's like 1,000 words per chapter O_O See what I mean? MY LIFES WORK And then there's Fresh x Paper... What did I get myself into?  WJDJWJDIWODN END ME

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