Cpt 8 - A birthday

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Inks POV

I woke up extra early and so did Error.  We didn't want to wake up PJ especially today.  I quietly went downstairs Error close behind.  Error went into the kitchen as I opened a bag with birthday supplies.  I got out some streamers and got a chair carefully hanging them up.  I was careful not to fall off the chair standing on my tip toes to hang them.  Error glanced over.  "I c-can put t-them up" he offered.  I got down giving up and handed them to him.  He hung them up and then went back to making the cake.  I then put a colorful cloth onto the table.  Today was PJs first birthday party, she had recently made a friend who was older than her but she didn't mind at all.  That was her only friend so in real life he was the only one coming and his parents of course.  Later I heard a quiet knock on the door.  It was Corra her husband and my mom.  "Were here for the party!" Errors dad said quietly but with excitement.  I let them in and they set down the presents on the table.  "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean PJ is only four now I don't think she should have a party" my mom said over worried.  "Mom Its fine I know what I'm doing" I assured her.  Everyone helped me set up.  "Okay Corra can you please wake up PJ?" I asked.  She nodded and went upstairs.  "Okay is everyone ready?" I asked.  "Yes" my mom said and Errors dad nodded. Not long after PJ ran downstairs excited to death.  "Mommy can I open presents?" She looked at all the colorful decorations.  "Pretty!" She smiled as her eyes seemed to glow with enthusiasm.  "You can open your presents later right now were waiting for your friend" I said.  PJ Gasped and looked at me.  "Mr. Fresh is coming?" She asked happily. I nodded.  PJ called Fresh Mr. Fresh because he was older than her but she wasn't positive on what Mr meant yet.  "What will we play?" PJ asked.  "Well first we'll all paint and then hit a piñata and after we'll have dinner then cake and finally presents" I explained.  PJ smiled and then her eyes got big.  "There's a piñata?" She asked.  I nodded.  She hugged me.  "Thank you mommy!" She said happily overjoyed.  We heard a knock on the door and Errors dad opened it.  "Oh hello! You must be Freshs mother! Come in" he smiled.  Helio and Fresh came in and Fresh was a little shy.  PJ ran over to him.  "Mr. Fresh! Come play" she smiled.  He smiled when he saw her and came out.  I set down paper on the table and paint sets.  Helio Freshs Mom placed the present on the table.  "Thank you for inviting my son" Helio started. "Oh it was nothing! PJ wouldn't stop talking about how he should come" I said.  "Please do remember about Fresh's emotional problems I would like him to stay over because I have to leave early and work late tonight so I won't be here to pick him up" Helio explained.  "Oh thats fine! PJ will be so excited" I agreed.  Helio smiled as I looked at the kids.  "Okay everyone find a chair" I said.  PJ sat next to fresh and I sat next to Error across from the kids.  My mom sat between me and Fresh and Corra next to Error and her husband which he was next to Corra and PJ.  "Okay paint anything you'd like or you can draw" I said.  I painted.  And I saw PJ pick up a pencil after she saw Fresh did.  I was glad they wouldn't be friends as they got older.  PJ drew rather quickly and then got a black marker.  I painted the family and smiled at the turn out.  Error peeked over at my painting.  "W-wow Ink thats g-good" he said impressed.  "Thank you" I smiled peeking at his painting which I was impressed.  He had drawn his female counterpart.  "Wow that's good" I said.  He shrugged.  "It i-isnt that g-good" he said obviously not impressed with himself.  PJ finished and looked at me.  "Mommy look at my drawing!" She showed me a drawing of Fresh.  It was amazing and very detailed.  "Whoa!" I said astonished.  "Thats amazing!"  Error looked at it.  "W-we need to h-hang that u-up" was his first reaction.  I laughed.  "Hey PJ look was I drew" Fresh said showing her a drawing of her.  "Whoa! Mr. Fresh that's amazing!" She said looking at his cool drawing.  "Okay next is the piñata" I smiled.  Errors dad had hung it.  It was a penguin.  "Okay b-birthday girl g-goes first" Error said blindfolding PJ.  "But dad! Now I cant see!" She said.  "T-thats the p-point" he said as he cautiously handed her the bat.  She swung it as everyone stood back.  After two tries she hit it.  "Daddy I did it!" She said happily.  everyone got a turn and Fresh hit the piñata open.  "Did I hit it?" He asked.  He uncovered his face to see candy on the floor.  We collected it and then everyone was hungry.  We all sat down and ate.  After my mom got the cake and we all sang.  She blew out the candles and waited to get to eat it.  After cake she opened her presents.  She started with the closest one which was from Error's parents.  She carefully but quickly unwrapped a porcelain doll with golden hair and a laced blue silky dress.  She hugged it and said thank you.  Next she opened My moms gift which was colorful string.  "What do I do with this?"  She asked confused.  I knew what my mom did she had done it to me when I turned 4.  My mom smiled "I'll show you later" and winked.  PJ shrugged opened Fresh's gift which was a colorful rock.  "Whoa! Thanks Mr. Fresh!"PJ Smiled along with fresh.  Next she opened mine and Errors  present. It was the new art kit that she wanted.  "Thank you mommy and daddy!" She said and smiled wider.  After that the kids went to bed while the others cleaned up.


OMG MY KEYBOARD IS KILLING ME! Aside from that another chapter will be out tomorrow! Thanks!

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