Missing and Gone

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***Turns on Vlog Camera
"We are currently on the plane right now, trying to get a little bit of work done and then sleep for like an hour. Yeah that's sound good. See you in NYC!"
***Turns Off Camera and Thinks to herself
You know what, I have a lot to be grateful for, I'm going on my SECOND tour,releasing my first book, and...missing someone. Who can it be, I mean Nata and Humble are coming soon, am I homesick. Am I like actually sick? What can it be? I look next to me and see Kyle knocked out, I then open up my laptop to check emails. I hear vibrating coming from my phone, I look to see who was texting me it was Humble he said that him and Nata were able to come to my NYC show, I was so happy because they originally weren't able to make it because of their work. I get another text...it was Alex, "Hey Lil! you got on your plane???" I reply "Yeah, we are like 2 1/2 hours away, why?"

"What do I say?!" I ask Yousef who is sitting on the couch looking stressed as ever
"Ummmm say that Lauren wanted to go to your show, and... she's asleep?" Yousef replies
I don't take that suggestion and instead write "Nothing, just wanted to see if me, Lauren,you,swoozie,dom, and uh yousef, could hangout before you leave."
"That's sweet Alex, but I'm already on my way to NYC, maybe you and Lauren cane come to my show!" Lilly says
"Totally" I reply
Yousef asks me what she said, "She asked if me and Lauren can come to the show"
"Well get Lauren bc we are ALL going to NYC" Yousef replies
"Okay" I say leaving Yousef in his room to go get Lauren
I go onto my laptop to search up airfares for NYC in the next 12 hours and book 3 tickets as quickly as possible. I was determined to make it to NYC before she goes to her next stop. Our flight is at 2pm and it's 11 right now so I put some random clothes in a suitcase and made my way out. I whispered to myself "I will be with you Lilly, no matter what..." I bang on Alex's door and once he opens I'm surprised to see that he too is ready to go.
"Where's Lauren?" I ask
"I'm here!" Lauren's replied also ready to go but at he same time brushing her teeth.
"Okay then lets go we have to make it on time before the plane leaves!" We all run out of the apartment and I drove us to the airport. As we go through security my heart starts beating faster, and faster, my palms start getting sweaty. Once we reached our boarding gate the worst possible thing happened.

*Turns on Camera
"Yo! So we just landed in New York City, so the plan is to go to the hotel, order food, and work, work, and work some more. Technically today is the first day of tour but tomorrow  is the official signing, and the day after is my show. So it's gonna be pretty busy. But it's okay!
*Turns off Camera
"Kyle what time do I have to be at the signing place tomorrow?"
With the time difference between L.A and NYC being 3 hours it's always tough to plan events because I'm always thinking it will be later than the actual time. I eat the Kati rolls and get double check with the tour location people to make sure everything is a g for tomorrow. I honestly hate this hotel, I mean my team spent so much money on this but literally there is barely even light in the room. Anyways after that, I clear some emails in my inbox because I won't have time tomorrow. I look at the time and it's 2:00 am, and I make my way to the toilet for the toilet talk.
**Turns on camera
"Toilet talk with Lilly! So today has been a long day, but overall not bad, now I'm planning on getting some sleep, Kyle said call time is 7:30 so yeah! If you like it subscribe, if you like it subscribe, if you like it subscribe!!!"
*Turns off camera
Okay Lilly time to get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.

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