Chapter 1

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You were walking down the path that leads from Snowdin to Waterfall and listening to your music on your phone. When you get a feeling and its not a good one, its the feeling of being fallowed. So you turn around and see nothing, so you face forward again and continue walking. Then all of a sudden your attacked and you scream your heart out. When you finally stop screaming and open your eyes, you can see your friend Kaitlyn laughing her lungs out.

"That's not funny, you scared the shit out of me!" you said in an angry tone.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Yes it was, that was the best part of my day" she said with laughter still in her voice. " and it looked like I scared you outta your skin!"


" You've been hanging out with underfell sans to much" you said while looking at her with a displeased expression. "and speaking of fell sans how is that going???" you say looking at her with a cheeky smile and look.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

She looks at you with blush all over her face and says," I do not hang out with him that much do I?? Anyway that is going good I guess I don't know." she looks down with despair " I haven't asked him out yet I'm to scared to and I won't do it until you ask out your sans anyways!" she blurts out.


" You're so childish...and how do know if I haven't already asked him out yet?" *you haven't but you really want to* you said looking at her being childish yourself.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Because, I know you and you don't do that kinda of thing" she says and looks at you with her arms crossed," look y/n I'll ask out fell sans if you ask orig sans k?"


"Fine, and how will you know I ask him?" you say as you sigh.

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"I will know because, I will be there watching." she says smirking at you.


*Gulp* "why do you have to do this to me" you say as you cry on the inside because, you know this is going to bring you internal misery.*how could this happen to me plays in the background*

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

" So lets go look for him and then you can ask him," she says as she grabs you and you follow her pouting a little because you didn't want this to come so soon, but little did you know that your sans was watching you from a distance.

Sans's P.O.V

"Man I didn't know y/n had feelings for me" he said as he blushed and teleported to Grillby's" maybe I should surprise her and ask her out instead!? he said while drinking some ketchup.

** Time Skip **


We've looked every were for him but no where to be seen," Maybe we should check Grillby's again?" you say looking at Kaitlyn with hope in your eyes "maybe he went there after we left"

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Fine lets go look one more time," she said with a sigh," but if he isn't there than we're trying another day!" you could tell she was getting frustrated.

* you both walk into Grillby's and don't see sans any where*

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

" I give up we're doing this tomorrow" she shouted and lifted her hands in the air with frustration." How could we have not seen him all day, this underground is not very small!" at this point she was yelling and I had to calm her down.


"Kaitlyn it's ok we can try again tomorrow, and maybe it was just that we couldn't find him." you say enshrining her and trying to calm her down. "How about you just go home and get some good night sleep"

Kaitlyn's P.O.V

"Sleep sounds good." she opens a portal to her house in Underfell's Snowdin." Bye Y/N see you tomorrow"


"Well I guess its my turn!" you say allowed and make a portal to undertale's Waterfall which is where your home is and where you were going before Kaitlyn attacked you and derailed you from what you were doing. Anyway you get home and notice that your front door is open. You open the door a little more so you can walk in and you say,"Hello?,,,is there anybody here?" (why do people say that stuff in horror movies its not like the murderer/ghost is going to say *I'm in the kitchen do you want a sandwich?*) Then the door closes behind you and your left in a dark room, blind as a bat. You start to look for a light switch when you feel like something grabs your hand and pulls you close to it. Then it kisses you and you start to panic but, then you just melt into the kiss.

Sans P.O.V

He pulls away from the kiss and says in a seductive voice," Man y/n your a good kisser."

A/N--I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and If anything is wrong then I'm sorry and I'll try to fix that or if you have a suggestion for the story then leave them both in the comment section and maybe you'll see it in my story, I'll see you again but for now My Darlings Ta-Ta! :)

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