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I was shocked when he said that, it wasn't really part of the deal. I look at every other side of people just looking at me weirdly. I look to the girl who Jungkook was talking too, she looked envious and angry. I then look at Jungkook who was just smiling followed by a wink so that I could act as her precious "Girlfriend", but remember! His dad said I need to discipline these two idiots...and I have to do my job.

YOU: Nope, not a chance playboy.

Everyone was shocked that I denied to his proposal, I look to his father who was smiling happily. As for Jungkook, he looked embarrassed and looked like he regrets everything he just did last minute. After some few seconds or minutes flew by he started to talk, and ofcourse I need to answer.

JUNGKOOK: W-w-what? Why? I thought you loved me!

YOU: Me? love you? To be honest...I thought you loved me!

JUNGKOOK: What do you mean? I do love you, have you been cheating on me?

With what he said everyone was then looking at me, thinking I cheated on him. I told him to be careful of his words, but was he careful? He made me look like a fool to every rich people in this room, I guess is time for my Revenge part.2. I smirk and look at him, and he gulped in nervousness of what is about to happen next.

YOU: Then who is this girl then? You even bought her a dress!

He was shocked of my own response, he looked to every direction waiting for how the crowd react...surprisingly, they didn't react that much...they we're just, shocked to be honest. I see their father smiling with joy and happiness! hoping that Jungkook will never do it again.

JUNGKOOK: Excuse me, I need to go...to...uhm...outside for some air!

He left covering his face and slowly running to get out faster, but also not look like he was embarrassed. I laugh inside as the party continues, I couldn't help but smile knowing that Jungkook is probably outside shitting his pants. Oh well, every action has its own consequences.

After a while it was time to go home, as Jungkook and Jimin's father said the closing message and people left as the message was over. I bow and bow saying goodbye to the guests I don't even know, We went home and started to see Jimin there watching a movie. I went behind him to see what he was doing, and ofcourse I had to annoy him.

YOU: Cool show your watching, What title is it? It looks like sci-fi, you know?

JIMIN: God! you're freaking annoying! Would you shut up? Just for this time?

YOU: And Why? I have the right to speak for my own words, doofus.

He stood up from the couch and went behind the couch, as I g backwards giving him some space. He went closer and closer to me as I go backwards, feeling the hard wall hit my back. He look at me with anger yet he looks oh so Pure, His face went closer to my face, his breath blowing slightly on my skin.

JIMIN: You flirt.

YOU: Wh-what? Ew, NO! I don't like you Park Jimin!

JIMIN: Yeah right, you're just like every other girl.

YOU: Oh, Like Kwon Yu? I mean, she's a girl as well.

JIMIN: Don't ever talk about her, she's special.

There was a long pause and after that he left and slammed his room door, left me looking like a dork. There's something about him that I don't get, his eyes was full of anger yet...So innocent and pure. I know his a good guy deep inside, but he covered it with his shadow of anger. I was deep in thoughts as someone said something to me, making me startled.

SECRETARY GOOK DU: He gets protective about his "Girlfriend" You need to watch your words.

YOU: O-oh, Secretary Gook Du...The both of them are dating?

SECRETARY GOOK DU: Well, they don't have a strong bond...

YOU: What does that mean? He is Protective, but they don't have a bond?

SECRETARY GOOK DU: They like each other, but there's also a love triangle between them.

YOU: And, the love triangle is?

SECRETARY GOOK DU: That's for you to find out yourself, They are full of secrets.

He then left to do his own business leaving me clueless once more, until the dare devil entered. Jungkook went to the living room not wearing anything but sweatpants, revealing his abs. Seriously? Why does he always do this? He doesn't even look attractive, Playboys.

YOU: It wouldn't hurt to put a t-shirt on, you know? 

JUNGKOOK: Oh sorry, I was just getting a shirt from the laundry.

YOU: What? Ew! That's disgusting, how about you do the laundry.

YOU: And then you can use your "CLEAN" shirt, nice idea right?

Then there was a long pause, and Jungkook was thinking deeply. Does he even know how to do the laundry? This lazy ass, has nothing to do in his life. I seriously feel bad for his dad, who's working so hard and yet he just slack off like every other guy.


YOU: UGH! It's disgusting, don't you understand that? you're gross.

JUNGKOOK: I don't know how to do the laundry! It's the maid's job to do that.

YOU: You're so selfish, you use people as toys. Let me do the laundry then.

I said angrily as I made my way to the laundry room, Walking pass Jungkook and bumping on his shoulder almost losing his own balance. Then I felt a tight grip on my wrist, pulling me to someone or even something. Then I see Jungkook infront of me, looking into my eyes deeply.

"Too close Jeon Jungkook, too close"

A/N: HEYYYY! Sorry for not updating for how many months, I was on vacation and I had to do the story on my own profile. I changed the name from "Bad boy gone good" to "Playerboys" Anyways, thanks for reading! Check out our main stories, and our account is TamaraFaren_ and etucsiagus. Bye, Saranghae <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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