A True Ending and Beginning

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Suddenly, on the way there, Slendy speaks of an idea that is music to your ears.
"I have an idea. Now that you're strong enough to retain memories when I take away your powers, I can take you back in time to the day that Jeff joined your class. You can start over, and Zalgo will no longer be a problem, as he is dead in all timelines now."
You think about it for a moment.
"Do you think you could take me back to the night before, when my parents were fighting? I would like to have the chance to bring them together."
He nods, "When we get back to the mansion, follow me to my office and I will take you back."
Filled with new hope, you begin to sprint back to the mansion.
Once you reach it, you say your final goodbyes to this version of it.
You go to the bedroom where you lost your virginity to Jeff.
Good memories, huh? I'll see you again soon, Jeff.
Now you go to Slendy's office where he performs the ritual.
Everyone else says their goodbyes.
"Goodbye everyone, for now." you smile.
Everything goes black.


You awake in your bed in your (y/a) body.
You can hear the yelling of your parents down the hall.
They're alive again!
It almost brings tears to your eyes.
Carrying out your plan, you lock the back door and the front door, so your father can't escape.
Just to be sure, you take his car keys and put them in your pocket, then run to your parents' room, where you slap your mother's arm away.
She lets go of your father's neck.
"Dad, don't be a coward! Stay here!" you shout.
He seems shocked that you knew why he was planning.
Your mom gets ahold of your wrist, but you easily slip out of her grip and slap her across the face.
"Mom! Come to your senses! Look what you're doing to this family!"
She looks at you, not angry like you expected, but with wonder.
"If I hadn't said anything to dad, he would've left and never come back, and it would've been all your fault. Then, you would go drink your sorrows away and take out the guilt on me!"
She gives you a look of apology, "I'm sorry."
She's holding her cheek where you slapped her.
You turn to your father, "And dad, don't be a coward. When something like this happens, you should be able to do something."
He nods in understanding.
"When did you become so grown up? You sound just like an adult!" he smiles.
"I've been through a lot, I guess." you smile back.
You look at the clock on the wall.
"We should all be going to bed." you state while walking back to your room.
You change into a white nightgown and go to bed.
You awake to the sound of your alarm.
Damn, did I really used to wake up this early? Welp, it's time to go to school. It's sad to at that I actually missed the lectures.
You get changed into a BVB shirt and dark blue skinny jeans.
You too it off with a black beanie and burgundy converse.
You grab your things for school and get on the bus with (y/bff/n).
It's nice to see her when she's not killing someone.
The only thing one your mind now is Jeff.
You're waiting for the teacher to introduce him in front of the class.
It doesn't seem to come quick enough, but eventually, she does lead him in and introduces him.
You can't really help yourself though.
The sight of he breathing form overwhelms you.
It's also odd to see him so young.
You run up to him and pull him into a tight embrace.
"Hey! What are you doing weirdo?!?!" he shouts flustered.
"I'm just glad to see you alive, Jeff." you whisper.
"Of course I'm alive!" he screams.
You pull away, slightly embarrassed.
"Sorry, to you, I'm a total stranger."
You walk with your head hung low all the way to your seat.
Classes go by slow as molasses.
Finally, it's lunch and you have a meet-up with Jeff.
Both of you sit on the roof alone.
"Now what was with that earlier?!?!" he asks, weirded out.
"It would be too difficult to explain, but I know who you are. I know what you are."
"Oh yeah, what am I then?" he smirks, somehow.
"You're a creepypasta who lives in the mansion with Slendy and the others. You kill for a job and you were only put in this school to find victims."
You look at his face.
Shocked is one way to describe his expression.
You begin to laugh uncontrollably.
"Explain!" he screams.
You stop laughing to explain, "Slendy took me back in time from a different timeline. In that other timeline, let's just say, things were pretty fucked up. We had something called a 'mental bind' that drew us very close. It cursed us when you drew me in to become a creepypasta. Since we were so close, we started dating, we even had triplets."
You smile and look over to him once again.
He's blushing.
"Oh, sorry, that might be a little much for your fourteen year old brain." you laugh.
"Bitch!" he shouts.
After your laughter dies out, Jeff asks, "Why were you saying you were so glad to see me alive earlier?"
You look down into your lap.
"Well, that's the thing. In that other timeline, you died in battle. I was broken beyond repair. Then, Slendy gave me the suggestion and here we are."
Without warning, Jeff grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss.
You pull away and question, "Where did that come from?"
"If we were dating in that other timeline, I figured you'd want that." he smirks.
Suddenly, you hear (y/bff/n)'s voice, "What do we got here?"
"It's actually what it looks like, for once." you smile.
"You mean with him?!?! I knew you were weird, but I didn't know you were into that!"
"Oh, come on (y/bff/n). You know that's not it!"
She just a smirks at you.
"So, Jeff was it? What makes you think you're worthy of (y/n)'s love?"
He starts blushing again.
"You're kind of putting him on the spot, y'know..." you trail off.
"I don't care! If he thinks he can be your boyfriend, he needs to prove to me that he's worthy!"
You grab Jeff in an embrace and drag him away from (y/bff/n).
"He doesn't need to prove anything. I'm the one who chose him. If anything, I have something to prove to Jeff. Actually, a lot of things."
You wink at him and whisper, "Take me to the mansion."
(y/bff/n) sighs, "Alright. Whatever. I need to get back to class. You two lovebirds have fun!"
She walks away.
Jeff leads you away from the school and to the mansion.
You're skipping class, but that doesn't matter to you right now.
You brace yourself to enter, then open the door.
It's just as you remembered.
You see everyone's familiar faces.
Slendy walks over to us.
"(y/n), welcome back."
Everyone seems to recognize you.
Then, to your surprise, Amalynn, Aaron, and Erika come running up to you shouting, "Mommy!"
You look to Slendy for an answer.
"I brought them here since I thought you would miss them."
Jeff seems to be confused by the children.
They look to him.
It's Amalynn who recognizes him, "D-daddy?"
His face turns beet-red.
"Jeff, these are our children!" you smile.
His expression calms down and softens into happiness.
He holds Amalynn in his arms and starts... crying?
"It's a shame that I don't know them..." he mumbles.
"Don't worry, you won't be left alone to take care of them! I'll be coming here often enough."
He pulls away from Amalynn and pulls you into an embrace.
"I'm so glad you're alive." you whisper.
"And I'm glad you're here." Jeff coos.
From that day on, you both continued to go to school and live almost like normal people.
Occasionally, you would tell stories of murders from the other timeline.
You would come back to the mansion often to take care of the kids.
Every time Jeff would kill someone and it was on the news, you felt a sense of pride.
It wasn't long before his identity was revealed at school, (y/bff/n) kept your relationship a secret.
After all, she only saw the tamer version of his personality.
Once in a while, you'd take the kids to see her, saying that they were Jeff's little cousins.
She enjoyed them.
You're lying in bed at your house with Jeff.
"You know something?" you ask.
"Anyone else in my situation would be automatically deemed crazy and they'd probably regret their decisions. However, I don't regret my creepypasta love."
"Maybe they wouldn't regret these decisions. I mean, we're happy as it is, right?"
He wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you close for a final kiss.

                       THE END

Thank you for sticking around for this crazy story! I know that before I made these last few chapters that there weren't updates for months, but I lost interest. I've always known where this story was going, but just didn't have the motivation. Well, I finally got the motivation and finished it! If you have any questions about unexplained plot holes (bc I don't remember everything that happened in this), just comment and I will give you an answer! If you enjoyed this, check out my other JTK x Reader that only has two parts! (as of right now) I will be working on that one now. Peace! I hope you enjoyed your stay in Slendy's mansion!

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