A Cure for Pain by butterballporkbun

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Congrats to butterballporkbun for being the first in the anthology! Claps to them~ :)

(Alcohol/drug dependency)

I let out a sigh that I'd been holding in for hours as I went into the kitchen.

It's coming I know it.

"Nova! Bring me my last to beers!" My mom mom called out to me.

I sighed once again as I bit my lip.

I worry about her, she drinks a lot of beer. And she always hurts, but she says it helps enhance her pain medicine so, I- I just don't know what to do.

I opened the fridge and bent down my knees ached and creaked violently as I gathered the beer. For a moment I just stood there staring at my own wine coolers.

I may not be old enough to drink but it's supposed to help with pain. Soon my bones will be as bad as mom's.

I reached out and grabbed one of the glass Seagrams bottles filled to the brim with a pink peach flavored liquid.

For now just one, I'm already tired so it should put me to sleep for a bit.

As I walked into the living room I placed the two beers on the floor next to her feet.

"You're not going to take a muscle relaxer with these are you? You know how you act when you mix them. We still have things to do. If you take it now we won't be able to pick up Alonzo for after school." I reminded her.

My mom mom frowned. "I know Nova, I'll be okay though. Plus I'm hurting real bad even though I took a pain pill earlier. Those stupid five milligram percocet don't do crap."

I held back a sigh of slight frustration as I watched her down the pills.

This is going to be a long day.

I picked up my wine and took a sip savoring the fruity taste of it coupled with the slight sting in my throat from the carbonation.

I held back my thoughts, my frustration as a single thought repeated in my head.

She's in a lot of pain. She needs this, if I don't take of her no one will. I love my mommy.

Every time I tried to talk to her about how much beer she drinks, because I'm worried about her liver it dissolves into a minor argument. That ends with me showing her info on whether beer relieves pain or not before I shut my mouth because I feel bad about judging her for attempting to stop her pain by any means necessary.

I took another sip before I spoke. "I love you mom mom." I whispered.

She smiled at me. "I love you too Nova." As she spoke I noticed the slight slur in her words as the beer and pills took effect.

God I love her but I'm going to have my work cut out for me today.

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