Really weird dreams

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Tyler's POV
This night I had a weird dream

In my dream: Me and Shope were stargazing at the medow and all of the sudden Amy (my life long crush) came out of no where I freaked out and we had a litte talk

Tyler: Amy where did you came from? I spoke surprisingly

Amy just stared at Shope angrily like she hadn't heard anything I said and I just thought why did she stared at her that way Shope never talked to her in fact Shope wasn't close to any girl in school! I just woke up after that and suddenly I was wondering if Shope would look cute if she isn't wearing glasses WAIT DID I JUST CALLED SHOPE CUTE THIS CAN'T BE I LIKE AMY DO I? After that I went back to sleep

Shope's POV
Last night I had a weird dream

In my dream: Tyler and I were waching a movie and Amy suddenly came into the room and she seems to be angry with me I don't know why                       

Possible reasons

Amy was jealous because I was very close to Tyler

My heart's just trying to tell me something

Okay, let's be honest, if Amy was jealous why would she? I mean Tyler and I ......well......we're just friends and if my heart wanted to tell me something what would it be? Do I like Tyler .....I mean me and Tyler had been friends for a long time, okay he's kinda cute WAIT DID I JUST SAY TYLER WAS CUTE?!?!

So what do you guys think please don't say anything mean it's my first time doing this any way I'll try to update as soon as I can

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