I just can't stop thinking about her/him

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Shope's POV
It was 5:30 am my parents are already at work as usually I would take a bath, put on my ussual clothes brush my teeth, then do my hair, eat breakfasts, then brush my teeth again I packed my things and get out the house I could see Tyler then I suddenly shouted

Shope: "Hey Tyler over here!!!"

He greeted me politly asking if me and Amy had been seeing each other, then I said calmly

Shope: "No"

And we walked to school together

Tyler's POV
It was 5:30 am my mom was at work as ussual I would bath brush my hair put on my ussual clothes eat breakfasts, brush my teeth get out the house. Shope suddenly called me, then I greeted her

Tyler: "Good morning, so......Shope can I ask you something?"

Shope: "Sure what is it?" 0

Tyler: "Had Amy and you well.....been seeing each other lately"

Shope: "No" said calmly

Then we walked to school

Tyler: "So Shope can you help me with something?"

Shope: "Yeah, what is it?"

Tyler: "Can you help me ask Amy to the school dance"

Shope: "Easy all you need to do is: ask her, complement her and be sure you won't feel bad if she says no"

Tyler: "Thanks Shope I'm really glad to have as my friend"

Then we heard really familiar voice it was Kevin, Kevin and Roach were waiting for us

Kevin: "Where were you guys I didn't see you at the bus"

Tyler: "We walked"

Roach: "Oh ok hurry the bells gonna ring

Amy's POV  

I need to tell Tyler a like him before that nerdy girl Jenny (Shope) does. I need to split them up. That gave mean idea

Amy: "Hey Jenny mind if I sit next to you?"

Shope: "Oh sorry Amy didn't notice you there sure"

Amy: "So does Tyler hang out with you a lot?"

Shope: "Uh.........yes.........no.....I don't know can we please not talk about Tyler right now I feel.....well......weird when I'm talking about him"

Amy: "Ok"

After that none of us said anything. Shope has a crush on him! I knew it she must be thinking how to steal him from me!

Shope's POV

Man why does my head and tummy ache I wish I justs never told Amy yes. What do I do know sooner or later Amy's gonna realize I been thinking about Tyler

*The bell rang*

Tyler's POV

After the bell rang I met Kevin and Roach

Kevin: "So how is Shope you have been acting really weird when your around her"

Tyler: "WHAT! REALLY? do you think she noticed"

Shope: "Noticed what?"

Tyler, Kevin, and Roach: "Ahhhhhhh!"

Shope: "Uhhh......guys.....it's just me"

Tyler: "Oh sorry for us screaming at you"

Shope: "It's ok I'm used to it"

After that it was total silence until the bell rang

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