But I Can See You

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I can't see you. And that's no because you are just reading the words I've written and there is no physical way for me to see you. But I can't see you.

I can't tell what color your hair is or how tall you are, or even what race you are. I can't tell if you are overweight, underweight, or somewhere in between. I can't tell how much makeup you wear or how often you go to the gym.

*~*But I can still see YOU.*~*

I can tell that you are kind by the way you say 'hi' to people in the hallways at school or at work. I can't see you smile, but I can tell that you smile at everyone you meet, no matter what.

I can tell you just want to help others and that you don't want to hurt anyone. You want to be perfect, but not for yourself. I see the way you lift others up, and you give all even when you have nothing for yourself.

I can see that you're tired from helping everyone else but you won't give up, and you won't stop. I can tell you need to rest but you won't till everyone has what they need.

I can tell that others opinions matter to you. I can tell that their words hurt you, even if you don't show it.

When they say you're fake, you pretend to not hear. When they call you a lier, you don't speak.
When they shame you for being different, you smile through the pain.
When they call you lame, you act proud but you cry at home.

But you don't cry because the words hurt,(although, sometimes they do.) But you cry because you know that all the people that hurt you have been hurt, or not been taught. You wish you could help them but you know they won't listen to you but you still try. And sometimes it's feels like you are trying to help a porcupine.You see them as the suffer, but you don't know how to help. You want to heal the hurt that someone else has cause them.

And then you go home everyday and you wish that your hair would do what you want it to. And you you wish you could lose a few pounds and be more athletic. You wish your grades were better so that you can get a scholarship so your parents won't have to pay for your college tuition.

You wish your clothes fit better and that you eyes weren't so plain. You wish you were more organized and tidy. You wish you could sing and dance and play an instrument.

You wish you were better.

Then you go back into the world and you smile and you work. You work for others and you go the extra mile. Your smile brightens everyone's day and you treat everyone like they mean the world to you, and they do. Everyone means the world to you. You spread love and joy as far as you can reach.

But even then, you still go home and tell yourself that you aren't good enough. That you'll never amount to anything. And that all you're doing won't be worth anything in the end.

Because this is what the world tells you. They tell you that unless you could be a model, and choose not to, you can never be anything. Unless you can get 10 million likes on Facebook and Instagram or that many subscribers on YouTube, you don't matter. Unless you you have your own clothing line that everyone wears or something that everyone want to by, you aren't contributing to society.

But I can see YOU and I can look past your slipping grades and out of control acne. The relationship troubles and the way you walk. The way you snort when you laugh or snore when you sleep. The scars on your body and the stretch marks too. Your crooked nose and lopsided grin. Your uneven eyebrows and pale skin.

I can tell you have a full heart, and not because of the sizes of your abs, or boobs, or butt, or waist, or face, or anything that I can physically see with just my eyes.

But I can just tell that you are special that way you are.

And no one else is like you, at all.

And to me, that's BEAUTIFUL.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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