The Balance

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   Lithium was smiling and laughing, watching television with Richard in her room. He had called Richard and asked if he could come over 'as a friend', since he was bored and had no idea where Nyxium was. Richard took the chance to introduce him to her father, and the two were very friendly towards each other.

   Richard's room was a disaster zone, papers and books strewn about everywhere. It looked more like a messy adults office then a room, the only bedroom part being her unmade bed.

   Mulligan had stayed around the house, apparently taking a liking to Richard, and was sitting at Richard's feet. Lithium was laying on a small desk Richard usually did her homework at, his head and feet both hanging of the edges. Richard was on her bed, the only indication of her being conscious was her tired laughter at the show.

   Both were ecstatic over stage one of the plan being initiated, and Lithium had even made a mental note to congratulate Nyxium on the success of his brilliant plan. Lithium was adding his own parts to the plan mentally, and although they weren't necessary, they sure did spice everything up.

   "Why are you smiling so much?" Richard asked.

   "Nothing, nothing," He smirked. "Just thinking about how to best humiliate my primordial buddy."

   "Count me in," She giggled. "What's your idea."

   The two were on the ground laughing in less than a minute, and Nyxium was vaguely curious as he jumped through the window.

   "What's so funny?" He asked, causing the two to laugh even more. He shook his head and jumped on the desk Lithium had been laying on a few moments previously.

   "Dad's planning a new wedding," Richard said once she stopped laughing. "Can you believe it? The idea came out of the middle of nowhere."

   "Wow," Lithium replied. "So random. I did not see that coming."

   "And she calls me immature," Nyxium muttered.


   "Nothing. You guys know what to do next, right?"

   "Yeah, yeah," Richard nodded, sitting up. "Why do you look older?"

   "No reason," Nyxium snapped his fingers, returning to his teenage appearance. 

   "Do you have to snap?" Lithium asked. "You always do that, and it annoys me."

   "No, I don't have to snap. But I like to," He grinned. "Thank you for letting me know it annoys you. I'll make sure to do it more often."

   Lithium answered with his middle finger, and Richard laughed.

   "You guys are so immature," She giggled. "I can't believe you two are so powerful."

   "Speaking of power!" Lithium jumped up and fished something out of his pocket- a small, worn notebook. It had one word engraved in golden letters on the black leather cover- Balance.

   "Remember this?" He asked,. Nyxium was about to shake his head, but then his eyes widened in recognition.

   "Where did you find it?"

   "Some library. Yes, I went to hundreds of libraries looking for this,"

   "Yeah right." Nyxium snorted. "You wouldn't spend that much time looking for me, if I happened to get lost, let alone that. How did you really find it?"

   "It was actually really easy to find," Lithium began, flipping through the pages. "It's a huge mystery among scholars because they can't figure out the language."

   "Stupid mortals!" Nyxium laughed, but stopped when Richard shot him a glare. "Uh... present company excluded, of course."

   "You two seem to have to say that a lot," She grumbled. "So what's the deal with the damn book anyways?"

   "It's the history book of the Balance," Nyxium explained. "A document of every war between the two. It's so heavily cast in magic that it would give one of your 'magicians' a heart attack."

   "Mortals can't read it unless we let them, and if you want to find a certain page, you open to that section," Lithium looked like Christmas had come early as he described all of the stuff they had done. "And the book will never fill up don't ask me how, Nyxium did that one."

   "Wow," Richard responded, looking at the book like it was a bomb. "What's the Balance?"

   "Oh, yeah," Lithium smacked his forehead. "You don't know who they are. It's kind of like a league for everyone who is involved in the balance of the universe."

   "This is getting really philosophical," Richard grumbled.

   "I'm in it, Lithium's in it, Fleur is in it," Nyxium began listing. "Karine, Mulligan wants a place, a few other demons and auras-"

   "Karine's in it?!" Richard interrupted. "Why in hell-"

   "Like it or not, she's part of the balance," Nyxium explained. "She used to be so much more docile..."

   "Docile? Karine?" Lithium snorted. "Where were you?"

   "Back to the Balance," Nyxium replied, rather loudly, to cut Lithium off. "Everyone has their signature in the book, if they're a member."

   He ripped the book out of Lithium's hand and opened to a page with multiple signiture, all in different styles in ink.

   "There's me!" Nyxium smiled, pointing to his signature. It was halfway between cursive and print. "And there's Lithium..." His was in large block letters, and Richard wondered if that even counted as a signature.

   "And there's Fleur!" Lithium smiled. Hers was written in green and adorned with small flowers. Richard took the book and read down the page, even recognizing a few mortal people who were famous. She even found Karine's name, next to Nyxium's, and written in small cursive letters.

   "Vincent Van Gough?" She asked, looking up. "I believe that less than Leonardo Da Vinci."

   "The Renaissance," Nyxium smiled dreamily. "Man, that was awesome."

   "Van Gough wasn't Renaissance!" Lithium challenged.

   "Leonardo was, and he was amazing!"

   "This is so cool!" Richard smiled. "How many people are in the Balance?"

   "A lot of people," Nyxium answered. "Everyone who's been involved with keeping the balance is a member. Speaking of which..." He fished a pen out of his pocket, and handed it to Richard.


   "Keeping the balance," Lithium smiled. Richard smiled widely, then wrote her name out proudly.


This was mostly just a filler chapter, and to introduce the Balance.

To make up for it, here's something I drew:

To make up for it, here's something I drew:

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Its not my best, but okay. Anyways, have a good day!

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