Socializing... For Once

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A crow, to be exact. That was the single worst part of Nyxium's day. Of all the stupid wildlife, it had to be a crow.

Nyxium, contrary to common belief, enjoyed reading during the day. He would sit in front of a pond and watch the powder swans out of his peripheral vision while he read whatever genre he was into that day.

   And that's when George came.

   George was a crow, and an annoying one at that. He kept squeaking at Nyxium, flapping his coal dust wings like he was trying to get Nyxium's attention.

Nyxium, besides giving it a quick, annoyed glance, ignored it entirely.

George apparently didn't like that. He flew up to Nyxium and, when he didn't react, flew on his shoulder.

Once again, Nyxium just momentarily glared at the the crow (who he had by now mentally named George, because he didn't feel he was worth a creative name) before going back to his book.

Then George stole his pen.

The pen, an ordinary, black ballpoint pen with a gold ban around it, was always sitting on Nyxium's ear.

And apparently crows like shiny things, which included the band around the pen, so George decided to escalate from 'general annoyance' to 'petty theft'.

It took Nyxium a few moments to realize George had taken of with his pen, and by then the crow was already flying into town.

Crap. Nyxium hated going into towns. Too many people, not enough space. But the pen was a gift from an old mortal friend, who was now long dead, and Nyxium was in fact very fond of it. So he could suffer if it meant retrieving his stolen property.

Richard just happened to be the person George ran into first. Most likely because of her golden earing, which reflected brightly in the shining sun. And, as previously established, George liked shiny things.

Richard at first was only amused by the small crow hopping on her bench. She laughed, thinking about the poor person who had gotten their pen stolen by a bird, of all things.

Moments later, the bird was scooped up by none other than Nyxium.

"Gotcha!" He smiled triumphantly, plucking the pen from its beak and putting it safely back in his jacket pocket.

"Are you going to put the criminal mastermind in jail?" Richard asked, taking bite of her ice cream. "Or pardon him for his crimes against humanity?"

"I'm going to see if I can get him on death row." Nyxium replied absentmindedly, throwing George into the air like a baseball. "Oops. He got away."

Richard laughed. "I was wondering whose pen that was, and now I guess I found out. Nice to meet you, I'm Richard." She offered her hand for a handshake, obviously wishing to spark friendly conversation. Nyxium almost withdrew, but Lithium's early advice echoed through his head.

"I think you should socialize more."

With his only friends advice in mind, Nyxium returned Richards handshake with a cheerful smile.

"My name is Nyxium, and it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Sorry for taking so long to upload such a relatively short chapter. But I've been a little busy with schoolwork. But hey, all these A's don't make themselves. Anyways, I'll try to update again soon! While you wait, please give me some feedback and suggestions for how to spice up the storytelling.

Until Next Time,

Socially Awkward Potato Out

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