Chapter 3

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"Okay, so this is it?" he asks. "Yeah, I guess. I mean, this is the camping I'm at." I say, an awkward silence forming around us. 

"Okay." he says. "Okay." I say. "I guess I won't let you wait here much longer." I say quietly. "No, that's alright." he says, just as quiet as I said it. "Bye, Harry. I hope I'll see you later." I say, and I start walking.

'Wait!" I hear him shouting. I turn around immediately. I look at him questionly. "I forgot to ask your number, you know, we'll go out for dinner, it might be handy if we could communicate and stuff." he says with that adorable smile. God, he's so cute. I can't even. "Sure." I say, we swap phones and we type eachother's mobile numbers into the devices. Of course, Harry has the latest iPhone. I don't blame him though, if I were that rich, I'd buy the latest one, too. 

We swap eachothers cellphone again. "Bye, Harry. For real now, I guess." I say, smiling. "Bye, Alice. See you soon!" He says, and now he starts walking away. I turn around and I start walking too. The sun is shining on my back, it's pretty warm here, but the cold breeze makes it more durable. The trees, which are lined up at the side of the road, swing a little, because of the wind. Everything seems so perfect right now. I feel light, free, like I can do anything right now. There's nothing to worry about.

While walking, I jump a little. I just met Harry Styles, probably one of the most famous people, ever. But he didn't let the fame get to his head. He's just himself. With his family, with me. I think he's like that with the rest of the boys too. I actually pity him a little, those girls won't leave him alone. He never has some time to rest. It's more than a fulltime job.

I reach our tents.My parents and my brother are already eating. "Hi, Alice. Where have you been for so long? We were already worrying about you!" my mom says. "Mom, as I told you, I was running! I just got lost, I guess." I say, half lying. I can't tell about Harry. They'll ask so many questions, they're too overprotective, and I don't like that.

"You should bring a gps next time, honey. I don't want you to get lost!" Mom says with that annoying, desperate tone in her voice. The feeling of everything being perfect is now gone, and replaced with annoyance. "Mom, I'm 17! I'm old enough to handle things. Stop being so overproterctive. I found my way back, okay?" I say and my parents look at me, they're mad. 

So, after half an hour of fighting between my parents and I, I decided to go to my tent. I sat there and I grabbed The Fault In Our Stars, by John Green. It's my favorite book, by far. I think I've read it 5 times or something.

I read for a while and my eyes start dropping. I fall asleep, I am so tired.

I wake up, because I hear some voices. "Yeah, sorry, I just wanted to bring her breakfast." I hear a raspy voice that reminds me of Harry. Wait, what? "Don't ever come near her again, you dipshit! We don't know you, nor do we want to! She's my little girl and I don't want her hanging around with you!" I hear my dad shouting. What the hell!? Harry doesn't even know where i am on this camping, he doesn't know what our tents look like, nor does he know what my parents look like. Suddenly, I hear the sound of someone hitting another person. "Look at you! Go away, piece of shit! You don't belong here!" My dad's fighting with Harry?

I wake up, for real now. The sweat's dripping off of my head. it was just a dream. It went way further than only hitting, it went to the point that my dad took a knife and pushed it against Harry's throat. i can't believe this. What if this'd  really happen if I told anyone about Harry?



shittiest chapter e v e r 

im sorry

lol im sick today and i just realized i could also just write a chapter aha

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and votes may also be given lol

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